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Lump in Throat

Smita Pandit
Globus pharyngis refers to a sensation of lump in the throat, though such a lump does not exist. This write-up provides information on the symptoms that may be accompanied by this sensation along with the treatment options.
A person affected by globus pharyngis experiences the sensation of a lump or something being stuck in the throat. The patient might be able to swallow, but with some difficulty. Sometimes, the affected individual may experience chest pain. The sensation comes and goes periodically.
This sensation is felt around the cricoid cartilage. Cricopharyngeal muscle, which is located behind the cricoid cartilage, performs the important function of preventing the swallowed food from coming back into the mouth. When this sphincter muscle becomes tight, it gives rise to this sensation.


Besides experiencing the sensation of something being lodged in the throat, the affected individual might also experience tension or tightness in the throat. In some cases, food is easy to swallow.
However, the affected person might experience difficulty in swallowing the saliva, pain and a clicking feeling might be experienced while swallowing. In some cases, the affected person's voice might turn hoarse or husky. One may even experience voice problems.
For some, this sensation might be caused due to sore throat or inflammation of the larynx. One might experience such symptoms before developing a head cold as well. Here are some of the most common causes of this condition.

Stress and Anxiety

A person affected by stress could experience tightness in the throat, as the pharyngeal muscles might contract. The patient might find it hard to swallow or feel the choking sensation when faced with stressful situations. Any attempt to swallow or gulp it down with any fluid also doesn't seem to work.

Gastroesophageal Reflux

In some cases, acid reflux disease might be responsible for the globus sensation. Heartburn or a burning sensation might occur due to the backflow or regurgitation of the gastric juices or the contents of the stomach to the esophagus.
When heartburn becomes a frequent occurrence, it can cause damage to the esophagus, which consequently can give rise to this sensation.

Tightness of the Cricopharyngeal Muscle

Tightness of the cricopharyngeal muscle could also be a contributing factor. The muscle spasms can cause a lot of discomfort. This sphincter muscle prevents the swallowed food from our stomach to come back in our mouth. If it becomes tight or constricted, it might give rise to the sensation of a lump or something being lodged in the throat.


Swollen lymph node, salivary gland stone, cyst, or any abnormal growth in the neck must not be ignored. Diagnostic imaging studies must be conducted to check the ascertain the underlying cause. In some cases, it could be due to a rare condition of thyroid gland encircling the esophagus.
It could be a result of enlargement of thyroid which is manifest in the form of a mass growing out from the neck. Sometimes, the patient might experience a lump in the side of throat due to mucosal lesions that might be caused due to trauma or ulcers.

Treatment Options

The treatment options will vary, depending on the underlying cause. If it is caused by anxiety or stress, lifestyle changes might help to ease the symptoms. If gastroesophageal reflux is causing this medical condition, dietary modification and drug therapy will prove beneficial.
In case of strep throat or inflammation, drugs can be used to prevent any discomfort or difficulty in swallowing. In cases where the lump is caused due to some anatomical abnormality, surgery might be used to correct any such growth of physical tissues within the throat.
In case of a mass in the neck, it is advisable to consult a doctor soon. Such masses could be caused due to throat cancer or other such serious ailments. Prompt diagnosis and treatment would be required to tackle the problem.
Proper medical examination must be conducted to determine if one is affected by the globus sensation or dysphagia. Once the underlying cause is identified, steps can be taken to alleviate the symptoms.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.