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Lung Infection Types

Leena Palande
Breathing difficulty, fever, and chest congestion are some of the main symptoms of lung infection. The symptoms may vary slightly according to the type of the infection. Read on to know the types, and also the symptoms of affected lung function.
Lung infections are classified as bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic. They are further classified and named according to the type of bacteria that attack lungs, or according to the part of the lung that is affected. In immunocompromised persons, certain parasites can affect the lung health seriously.
Bacterial infections are more common than viral or fungal ones, and are treated with antibiotics. Viral ones do not need any medications. They get cured on their own after running their course. Invasion of lungs by infectious bacteria can create serious health problems. Those who smoke are more likely to suffer from such infections.

Common Types


Tuberculosis is an example of bacterial infection that can cause serious damage to lungs. This disease has been wiped out from the rich and developed countries, but it still kills several people in the poor countries.
Cough, green or blood stained sputum, and breathing difficulty are some of the common symptoms. The condition leads to weight loss, poor muscle tone, and dry flaky skin. Patients are required to take medications over months or years. Those who accompany the patients are also treated in order to prevent the spread of the disease.


The lining of the lungs is known as pleura. When there is an infection in this lining, the condition is called pleurisy. Usually, viruses are responsible for the condition. Some patients of pneumonia may suffer from pleurisy. Chest pain and breathing difficulty are the commonly noticed symptoms.


When air sacs in lungsĀ get filled with fluid, this is called pneumonia. The infection can be viral or bacterial. Many patients suffer from pneumonia after flu. Antibiotics help kill bacteria. Inflammation, excess production of mucus, breathing difficulty, chest pain while breathing, cough, very high fever, chills, and chest congestion are common symptoms.
Muscle pain and fatigue are also experienced by the patients. The bacterium called legionella causes legionnaires' disease which is considered as a severe type of pneumonia. Smokers and the elderly (who have weak immune systems) are more susceptible to this condition.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Outbreaks of certain types of lung infections are noticed occasionally in different parts of the world. SARS is amongst them, although it is a type of pneumonia. SARS is highly contagious. Whooping cough, high fever, headache, and general discomfort is experienced by the patients.
About 8000 people caught this infection in 2003, and more than 700 of those lost their lives. Persistent cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, and wheezing are the main symptoms of the disease.


In case of bronchitis, the air passage from the windpipe to the lungs gets irritated. Smokers are more likely to suffer from this condition. Chronic bronchitis can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Patients of chronic bronchitis have cough for years. Inflammation of the wind pipe to the lungs leads to severe discomfort. The mucus is thick, yellow, and greenish.


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a rare kind of staph infection. The skin of the patient might turn dry, red, irritated, swollen, and itchy. Sometimes, bumps filled with pus are noticed on the skin.
Skin to skin contact can spread this disease. It may lead to urinary tract infections too. Patients might experience chills, fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and muscle pain.

Pseudomonas Lung Infection

Severely ill patients are prone to this condition. It can lead to inflammation of some tissues in brain. It may result in headache, facial paralysis, and ear infections that can affect the hearing capacity of the patient.
In severe viral infections, lips and nails may turn blue. Dehydration is also one of the main symptoms of infected lungs. Candida infection caused by a fungus exhibits the same symptoms as are exhibited in other types of infections. In some severe cases, surgical removal of very large mass of fungus becomes an essential part of the treatment.
If a sore throat is not cured within a few days, or if you are not able to get rid of cough after a week or so, then you should undergo proper tests. Early detection of lung infection increases the chances of fast recovery.
Disclaimer: ThisĀ post is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.