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Medical Conditions that Cause Weight Gain

Mukta Gaikwad
Losing weight can seem like the toughest task when you have an undiagnosed medical problem causing weight gain. There are certain medical conditions that cause weight gain, and can be controlled to a large extent provided, you are made aware of its existence and given adequate treatment.
Sometimes weight gain seems unwarranted. Despite following a strict diet and an exercise regime, shedding the unwanted pounds seems like a tough task. At this juncture you need to understand and evaluate the reasons for weight gain. If at all there is a medical reason for the sudden weight gain, it can make losing weight highly difficult.
There are numerous medical conditions that cause unwanted weight gain by retarding metabolism. It can also be a side effect of certain medications.

Medical Conditions That Cause Rapid Weight Gain


Hypothyroidism and weight gain are synonymous. Thyroid gland which is near your neck is responsible for producing thyroid hormone. The hormones are meant for regulating metabolic activity in the body.
When the hormone is produced in insufficient quantity it disturbs metabolism and results in weight gain. It cause water retention which worsens weight gain. If the problem goes unchecked for a long time it can lead to obesity.


Depression is famously linked with weight gain since a long time now. It is common knowledge that people who suffer from depression are more likely to gain weight as compared to ones who have a happier state of mind. Feelings of hopelessness and sadness, makes a person eat a lot more than a normal person.
Additionally, it also imbues feeling of lethargy, which discourages a person from any kind of outdoor activity. The chances of a depressed person frequently consuming alcohol or smoking excessively are more, which further slows down the metabolic rate. All of this put together can cause weight gain, worsening the state of mind and aggravating the problem.

Crushing Syndrome

Gradual weight gain is one of the symptoms of crushing syndrome. Weight gain is usually seen on the face, neck, upper back, trunk and abdomen, whereas hands and legs remain thin. This disorder is caused when adrenal glands produce excess of cortisol hormone.
This is a relatively rare reason for weight gain, however, chances of the same cannot be ignored. People with type 2 diabetes, high level of blood sugar and high blood pressure are at a risk of developing this syndrome.

Chronic Stress

Stress contributes to weight gain in indirect ways. To fight stress, our body releases epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol hormones. Cortisol burns the fat and carbohydrates in the body to supplement it with adequate energy.
This leads to frequent pangs of hunger and makes one eat more than what is required. This way, it actually causes weight gain instead of weight loss due to stress. Moreover, the sleep deprivation, hectic working hours and constant mental fatigue adds to the stress and leads to an unwanted weight gain.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS may find the battle of losing weight a never ending one.
This condition is cause when ovaries get filled with fluid leading to cysts during ovulation. This leads to unexplained weight gain in women, if the problem is not diagnosed. However, making a certain lifestyle changes can help in coping with the difficulty of losing weight.
Fortunately, with advances in science, weight gain as a result of medical conditions can be dealt with. For focused weight loss consult a doctor to get yourself medically tested for any kind of medical problems which cause weight gain.
In case of any psychological issues see a psychologist to treat it. Accepting your problem is the first step towards treating it. Proper medication, diet, exercise and maintaining an optimistic attitude towards your condition can result in a weight loss.
Making healthy lifestyle choices is the only way of steering clear of any kind of medical conditions which may cause weight gain in the future.