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Meniscus Pain

Kundan Pandey
Meniscus pain usually occurs due to a knee injury or some sports/athletic-related injury of the legs. Here's more about this condition.
The knee forms a connection between the thigh bones and the lower part of the leg. Being the epicenter of various activities, the knee joint is prone to various common injuries. Meniscus pain occurs due to the tearing of the meniscus cartilage. In general terminology, a meniscus tear is called torn cartilage. Athletes and sports players often suffer from these types of torn muscles and cartilages.

Structure and Function of the Meniscus

In simplest terms, meniscus is like a pad that is sandwiched between the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia (bone of the lower leg). There are two wedge-shaped menisci (its plural form) situated in each of the knees. The two menisci are located on the inner and outer sides of the knee joints. The medial menisci is called a C-shaped meniscus, and the outer one is known as an O-shaped meniscus.
Without going much into the structural details, let's see their functions.
  • It acts as a shock absorber by preventing the knee joints from sudden jumps and jerks
  • It distributes the body weight evenly and prevents excess pressure on the knees.
  • Its movements contribute in lubrication of the knees.
  • It also helps in maintaining proper coordination in the movements of the femur and tibia.


An injury in the knee area can cause problems in the effective working of the meniscus.
  • Erratic pain in the knee joint, knee cap, and knee area.
  • Pain while walking, climbing stairs, and running.
  • Problems in knee movement (extending of the knees).
  • Hardness and inflexibility in the area around the knees.
The pain can be felt while performing daily activities like walking, jogging, and running. In the initial stages, the person may not experience the pain very often. He may feel the pain while walking fast, climbing stairs, or after some aggressive activities. However, in the later stages, the pain can be felt even while doing simple things.


In the initial stages of the tearing, the patient is advised to rest for at least two to three days, and he/she must avoid any aggressive work like jumping or running. The most common method that is popular is RICE, that is, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Treatment. Applying an ice pack on the injured part of the knee at least 20 times a day for short intervals of time helps lessen the pain.
The doctor may also advise to go for X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to know the exact cause and location of the pain. In some cases, the person may be required to go for an arthroscopy, which is an expensive diagnostic test. Athletes and professionals who suffer from severe pain often go for surgeries of the knee. Knee replacement surgery is often carried out by many surgeons to get rid of the damaged knee caused by accidents or severe injuries.
The treatment for this complication when one is younger is easily possible, as the bones and muscles can heal faster. For its treatment in people with bone problems like osteoarthritis, a lot of healing time is required. It is advisable to visit a physiotherapist before you go in for any treatment method.