Among the many PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) symptoms, diarrhea is one factor adding to the blues. How exactly is menstruation and diarrhea related? Read all about these facts below.
Talk about being a girl and among the list of health issues, menstruation is one big frown that needs to be addressed on a monthly basis. Adding to the agony are the many PMS symptoms, that show no mercy, both physically and mentally.
The most common pain and stress causing factors before and during menses are acne, bloating, backaches, headaches and nausea, along with emotional issues like food carvings, irritability, mood swings, reduced concentration, and low tolerance levels.
In women, along with these symptoms, diarrhea is one major issue and a common symptom for many women. So with the bitter rides of physical pain and emotional disturbances, this stomach infection adds more reason to sulk and frown. However, it is not a very serious issue that can pose risks and create complications.
Abdominal issues like bloating, constipation and diarrhea, take interlinked rounds of causing pain during menstruation. Have you ever wondered the exact cause that triggers so much pain? Sure you know, it's all about the roller coaster rides of the hormones, but it is wise to know more on the exact issues that make PMS and menstrual period symptoms.
Menstruation Cycle and Diarrhea
The hormones play their part once it's time for the monthly menstruation in the body. During this, due to the increased levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones, they trigger the release of chemicals from the cells in the lining of the uterus, and these chemicals are called prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins are hormone like compounds, that cause the muscles in the uterus to contract so that the lining of the uterus is shed. If the cells lining the uterus produce more amount of prostaglandins than required, the contractions happening in the uterus will be more strong, and hence painful.
Due to this excess amount of prostaglandins, they are more likely to circulate in the blood stream. When this blood carrying prostaglandins reaches other organs in the body, the ability of prostaglandins to simulate smooth muscle contraction affects the digestive tract and intestines.
The bowels in the body are lined with smooth muscles, thus the intestines and bowels contract due to the effect of prostaglandins.
This causes the bowels to shed of their substance, which eventually causes diarrhea. Prostaglandins are also the major cause of nausea, vomiting and headaches. Another reason is decreased amount of progesterone in the body. Once the uterus lining starts shedding, progesterone levels again gradually start to lower.
Progesterone causes the contraction of the uterus too. It is associated with causing the gastrointestinal muscles to contract. The main reason for diarrhea during menses is prostaglandins. The pain caused due to prostaglandins is also termed as primary dysmenorrhea.
Tips for Relief
Diarrhea before and after the monthly cycle is basically due to the change in hormones and release of certain hormone like substances that trigger such symptoms. It is also observed that women who have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, tend to experience diarrhea during their periods.
Some of the home remedies to tackle it would be keeping the body hydrated, following a diet that is rich in fiber, eating foods that are good sources of beneficial bacteria, for example yogurt and other foods.
Moderate diarrhea can be treated at home with adequate rest, moderate exercise, and also using a heating pad to relieve cramps and pain. One can also take drugs that relieve the symptoms. In severe cases, one must consult a doctor and take proper treatment.
This concludes all about menstruation and diarrhea. Not all women will suffer from irregular bowel movements during menstruation. But for the ones who do, dab a little extra care on these menstrual woes.