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Middle Right Back Pain

Madhura Pandit
Severe pain in the middle or right side of the back can be caused due to numerous health conditions. Here is detailed information on the causes and treatment methods for the same.
Back pain is the second most discomfort causing condition in the world (headache being the first). It can range from mild, dull ache to severe excruciating pain that may last for any amount of time. A severe back pain may give a person sleepless nights and also bar him from performing daily activities.
It is essential to know the potential causes of back pain and get them treated immediately to prevent further complications.


In minor cases, this type of pain is caused due to sitting or sleeping in uncomfortable position for a longer time. Secondly, improper or strenuous exercise is also one of the reasons for strained back muscle and pain. Apart from these, there are several reasons that can result in back pain on right side. They include:


Injury caused due to trauma, fall, accident or a blow on the back, breaking of the bone, fracture, etc., can lead to severe pain. On the other hand, muscle strain is also one of the prominent causes of sharp pain in the middle of back.

Ligament Sprain

This is a common cause of severe back pain observed specially in case of sports persons and athletes. Abnormal pull or tearing of the ligament of the back due to stretching, injury, bending, etc., can cause middle right back pain.

Herniated Disc

Herniated disc, also known as slipped disc or ruptured disc, is a condition that develops when the disc placed between two vertebrae in the back gets pressed, injured or ruptured. There are several factors like obesity, injury, etc., that can lead to this condition.
Osteoporosis and spinal stenosis are some of the other possible causes. Middle right back pain during pregnancy can be caused due to increasing weight or hormonal changes that take place in the body.


If a person experiences this type of pain, he/she should consult the doctor immediately. In case of injury and ligament sprain, painkiller medications, physical therapy, etc., may be advised by the doctor. In severe cases, hospitalization or surgical procedures may even be required for the treatment of injury, muscle strain, and sprain.
Pain reliever medications are helpful in the treatment of herniated disc. The person may be advised to take complete bed rest for 1-2 days for quick relief. Once the traditional treatment is over, the person may go for middle back pain exercises to get quick relief.
Apart from these, one also needs to follow several preventive measures to avoid hurting the back in the future. Sportsmen should be careful to not to strain themselves excessively. Strenuous back exercises should be carried only under the supervision of the trainer and should be done regularly.
Lastly, one should remember that all the causes of back pain can be effectively treated. However, one needs to identify the symptoms and take proper treatment. Take care!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.