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Mouth Breathing While Sleeping

Rajib Singha
Seeing someone breathing through the mouth while sleeping may be funny; however, not many people are aware of the health complications the habit may entail. This post provides information regarding the same.
Mouth breathing means inhaling and exhaling through the mouth. This is the opposite of normal way of breathing, that is through the nose. Normally, we inhale and exhale through our nose; however, we do use our mouth along with the nose during activities such as vigorous aerobic exercises.
Very few people are aware of the fact that if oral breathing becomes a habit, it can invite bouts of problems which may severely affect the health of an individual. Common complications of this condition may include sleep disorders, bad breath, facial deformities, weakening of lungs, impaired dental growth, abnormalities of the upper respiratory tract, etc.
The normal breathing process should occur through the nose. And this is the reason why our sinuses have small openings into the upper airway. While nasal breathing, the air travels through the sinuses, which is not the case while oral breathing. These sinuses act as filters to purify the air. While exhaling, they exert pressure on the lungs so that they can extract more oxygen from the air, thereby regulating the process of oxygenation. Therefore, if we do not breathe through the nose, it may lead to chronic oxygen deprivation.

What Causes One to Breathe Through Mouth While Sleeping?

The most probable cause of oral respiration may be some blockage in the airway of the nose. It is common to breathe through the mouth while having a stuffy nose, which is even worse at night while sleeping. In such cases, the person is forced to overcome the blockage by breathing through the mouth.
Apart from stuffy nose which could be the result of common cold, a condition of inflamed mucous membranes is also likely to cause a blockage, and result in oral breathing while sleeping. Now, this kind of inflammation could be caused by a sinus allergy.
People with enlarged adenoids and tonsils also tend to be mouth breathers. These conditions are known to obstruct the airway of the nose. While these are medical conditions, some people are born with or incur physical defects which restrict them to breathe not through their nose, but through their mouth. Some common physical abnormalities include broken nose and birth defects that block the air flow. Also, it is normal for infants or babies to breathe through their mouth.
So, parents must be diligent enough to help and encourage their kids to learn the habit of breathing through their nose. During early childhood, the face and upper airway are in a developing stage. Therefore, if babies do not breathe through their nose, there could occur an abnormality in this very development, causing the condition of oral breathing to become a permanent disorder.

How Do You Know if You are a Mouth Breather?

Although there are several ways to find out, one rule that works well for everyone is a session of enforced nose breathing for 30 seconds to a minute. If you are able to nose breathe for this long without any discomfort or breathing changes, then it indicates that you don't have any such breathing problems. In case of babies, the best time to diagnose this is when they are nursing or drinking from a bottle. If you see your baby drinking and releasing the breast nipple or bottle to draw in air around it, then he/she is a mouth breather.


Dealing with the causes helps treat and manage this condition. If you have a stuffy nose, then take measures to treat it. Leaving it untreated would not only keep you uncomfortable, but would also cause you to mouth breathe as long as the condition does not resolve. The more you breathe through your mouth, the more you are risk yourself to develop the aforementioned complications. In case of nasal congestion, take nasal decongestants.
Equally important is to make a conscious effort to keep the mouth closed while breathing. Taking long breaths through the nose also helps, and so does pursing and placing the tongue at the front of the mouth.
People can also avail products like nasal strips or chin-up strips to keep themselves from breathing through the mouth while sleeping. These devices make it difficult for the mouth to stay in an open position, thereby encouraging breathing through the nose.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.