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Multiple Sclerosis Warning Signs

Sonia Nair
Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating disease that is usually detected in the advanced stages. A basic know-how about its warning signs may prove beneficial to identify the disease at an early stage.
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and the spinal cord. It is a neurological disorder, in which the protective covering of the nerves are destroyed by the immune system itself.
The nerves are insulated and protected by fatty myelin sheaths. Without the myelin sheath covering, nerves cannot effectively conduct messages from the brain to different parts of the body.
If a person is having multiple sclerosis, this protective sheath or myelin is damaged through a process called demyelination. This affects the transmission of messages (in the form of electrical impulses) from the brain to other parts of the body.
Apart from destroying the myelin sheath, this disease also causes buildup of scar tissues in the brain and the spinal cord, and the name multiple sclerosis is derived from this feature.
In short, the condition affects the capacity of the brain to send and receive messages from other body parts. It is this inability of the brain that results in the symptoms that vary widely according to the locations of scar tissues, and the severity and extent of demyelination.
Even the warning signs may vary widely from one person to another. It is difficult to distinguish these signs from the symptoms of other health problems.

Early Symptoms

As mentioned, detecting the condition during the early stages is a difficult task. This is because, the symptoms may vary from one person to another, and also from time to time. Multiple sclerosis warning signs may come and go, and the person may not experience any symptom for longer intervals.
Most of the signs and symptoms of this medical condition may not be related to each other and may appear strange. Given here are some of the common symptoms associated with this medical condition in its initial stages.
► Numbness and tingling in the limbs. In some cases, this symptom may be concentrated on one side of the body. Sometimes, numbness may be accompanied with pain too.

► Early stages of the disease may also be characterized by vertigo and dizziness. While some people feel lightheadedness, others experience a spinning sensation.
► One of the common multiple sclerosis warning signs is painful eye movements, that may cause partial or complete loss of vision for some time. Even blurred vision, double vision, and black spots are considered as early symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
► The affected person may experience a loss of strength in the limbs, and an overall weakness that can make him/her easily tired.

► Some people describe the early signs as shock-like sensations inside the head.
► The affected people may also experience difficulty in speaking, tremors, lack of coordination, muscle spasms, urinary incontinence, frequent memory loss, and learning problems.

► Emotional outbursts and mood swings are also considered as the warning signs of this disease.
These are some of the early symptoms of multiple sclerosis, which is mainly seen in women. Usually, such symptoms appear between the age of 20 and 40. It is said that the risk of multiple sclerosis decreases after the age of 50.
The early signs of this disease may go unnoticed, or may be attributed to other health problems. These signs may disappear and relapse. It has been observed that the relapse of the symptoms is often preceded by stress, strenuous physical activity, trauma, or infection.
However, these symptoms are not considered as a conclusive proof for the disease. While some of the affected people experience many of these symptoms, others may not have even a single one. That is why the diagnosis of this disease is very difficult.
So, if you experience more than one of these symptoms, that too for a long duration, it is better to consult your doctor. Early diagnosis is always helpful in tackling this disease.
Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.