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Muscle Twitches All Over the Body

Indrajit Deshmukh
Anxiety and stress are the two common causes of muscle twitches all over body. The twitching can start from one part of the body and then spread all over. This story provides brief information regarding the same.
A muscle twitch is a sudden muscle spasm. The medical term for muscle twitches is fasciculation, and mostly they long for a short period of time and are not very painful. These muscle palpitations are not a cause for worry most times and they seem to have an irritating effect.
Benign muscle twitching does not need any kind of treatment. People mostly feel muscle twitch in one part of the body, but at times, the whole body can be affected.
Many people who experience muscle twitching, immediately attribute it for a neurological disorder, but most often than not, it is induced by stress. Fatigue and dehydration also contribute to benign muscle twitching, and the remedies for it are quite simple. Muscle twitches all over the body can also be symptomatic of disorders like muscular dystrophy.


Following are some causes of muscle twitching:


Muscle fatigue occurs when the muscles are overworked and the body does not have the energy to power them. If you are working out in the gym or practicing on a field and push your limits, you might experience muscle twitches.
Women who do demanding aerobic workouts are also prone to twitching of muscles. Muscle spasms after exercise are very common and are rarely a cause for concern.


Mental stress and anxiety can trigger a muscle twitch, which might start in one part of the body before moving to the other parts. Panic attacks brought on by fear and apprehension can cause the muscles to contract.
People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) problems may experience muscle spasm when they are stressed or under pressure. Anxiety is one of the major causes of muscle spasms all over the body.

Muscular Dystrophy

It is a degenerative muscle disease which causes muscle weakness and death of muscle tissues. People diagnosed with muscular dystrophy (MD) are likely to experience muscle spasms all over the body. The disease has a different form and seems to affect males of all ages.
Modern science still does not have a cure for this disease; however, physical therapy does seem to alleviate some of the symptoms like muscle contraction.

Medicine Side Effects

Bodybuilders who use steroids have been known to experience muscle twitching in arms, and at times, all over the body. Abuse of diuretics can also cause muscle twitch, and people who have been prescribed such medication need to be careful with the dosage.
Estrogen is also known to cause muscle twitching. Certain psychiatric medications, if over-used, can also cause muscle spasms.
People with calcium deficiency are at a risk of muscle cramps and twitches, hence they need to take calcium supplements to stop twitching of muscles. Ensure that your body gets proper supply of electrolytes because they are essential for maintaining intracellular and extracellular balance.
Imbalance of electrolytes in body fluids may cause muscle twitch and lead to kidney failure.
Muscle twitches are mostly temporary, and most times, are not a cause for worry. They can be brought along by excess consumption of caffeine also. So, next time you have a muscle twitch, don't jump to a conclusion that it's because of some neurological problem.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.