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Muscular Sclerosis Symptoms

Naomi Sarah
Given here are multiple/muscular sclerosis symptoms that occurs when one's nervous system is damaged, causing one to experience a range of symptoms. Find out more about this here in this Story...
The central nervous system that consists of two vital components, the spinal cord and brain deteriorate when the nerves are damaged due to multiple/muscular sclerosis. The 'myelin', which is a covering that helps in sending impulses to the brain, as well as provides insulation for the nerves, results in the depletion of this essential element.
Due to its gradual degradation, the body's impulses slow down, causing one to experience bodily changes in motion and functions. People who suffer from this age between the 20-50 years and can come about more in Caucasians than in other races, with women having a higher chance of getting this disease.
The causes of multiple sclerosis can range due to one's genetics, or other viruses that can hinder the myelin coating from doing its primary function of protecting the nerves in the nervous system. Find out here what the multiple or muscular sclerosis symptoms in adults are, that one is likely to face when under this disease degeneration.

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

The early symptoms of muscular sclerosis start off with one feeling the onset of slow bodily movements and functions, which become full-fledged as the disease progresses. The multiple sclerosis warning sign are:
  • Anxiety
  • Pupil response isn't normal - Afferent Pupillary Defect
  • Coordination is hampered - Ataxia
  • Numbness that is absolute - Anesthesia
  • Speech is impaired and not understandable - Aphasia/Dysphasia
  • Bipolar syndrome
  • Incontinence (urinating without one's control) - Bladder spasticity
  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Constipation
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Difficulty moving limbs quickly - Dystonia
  • Speech is slurry - Dysarthria
  • Seeing double - Diplopia
  • Limb movements vary in precision - dysmetria
  • Euphoria
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling constant pressure in bowel movements - Fecal Urgency
  • Urge to urinate is constant - Frequent Micturition
  • Foot cannot be controlled, and when walking drags along - Footdrop
  • Bowel incontinence (defecating without one's control) - Fecal Incontinence
  • Inability to get aroused sexually - Frigidity
  • Acid reflux - Gastroesophageal Reflux
  • Difficulty maintaining posture - Hypotonia
  • Coordination is lacking between one's eyes - Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
  • Electrical buzzing sounds or shocks when head moves - L'Hermitte's
  • Twitching muscles - Myoclonus
  • Muscles waste away, making one feel weak - Muscle Atrophy
  • Pain caused without reason, with itchy and burning sensations, including shock - Neuralgia/Neuropathic/Neurogenic
  • Eyes are jerky - Nystagmus
  • Loss of color in vision or going blind - Optic Neuritis
  • Numbness is partial in this case - Paraesthesia
  • Not being able to sense where one's body parts are located - Proprioceptive Dysfunction
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Leg moves on its own, more so at night - Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Muscles contract - Spasms
  • Stuttering - Speech Ataxia
  • Pain in the face region - Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Feeling sick and lighheaded (spinning sensation)
These symptoms need to be immediately checked out by medical professionals, since signs of the sort are advised to never be ignored when noticed.
The muscular sclerosis can be avoided; you can look into multiple sclerosis prevention to find out more on that. The early symptoms and signs of multiple sclerosis can be countered if you notice these immediately, and of course check into your family history for any record of this disease in your past.