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Nerve Inflammation

Shashank Nakate
The condition of nerve inflammation which affects the peripheral nervous system is characterized by swelling of nerves and other such symptoms. Here is an overview of this medical condition.
The problem of nerve inflammation is marked with irritation and swelling of nerves. Chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy is another term used in reference with this problem. It is actually an umbrella term used in association with different problems that affect the nervous system. In most cases, inflammation is felt in the back.
Damage caused to nerves is responsible for this medical condition. Underlying causes or probably the ways in which nerves get damaged are many. Lack of oxygen, virus infection and Polio are only a few of them. Therefore, the inflammation of nerves can take place in different parts of the body. Let us know more about this medical condition.

Types of Nerve Inflammation

Manifestation of nerve inflammation or neuropathy can take place in many different forms. Loss of sensation in the feet is one such sign. A feeling similar to experiencing electric shocks is another form in which neuropathy may show up.
Burning sensation, hypersensitivity to any stimulation, paralysis, inability to control bowel movements, difficulty in swallowing, twitching of muscles and many such manifestations of the condition of neuropathy are observed. Different types of this condition include optic nerve inflammation, sciatica and central nervous system vasculitis.

Optic Nerve Inflammation

In this disorder, the optic nerves get inflamed. The disorder is also known as optic neuritis; in this disorder, nerves carrying visual information to the brain are affected. Multiple sclerosis is also one of the causes behind this disorder. Symptoms observed in this medical condition are headache, eye pain and blurry vision.
Diagnosis of optic neuritis is carried out with the help of an ophthalmoscope exam. Inflammation of other areas (apart from the optic region) is checked by carrying out the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests. Steroid therapy is recommended for the treatment of optic neuritis.


Inflammation of sciatic nerve cord is simply referred to as sciatica. Sharp pain in lower back, buttocks, thighs and lower legs are the main symptoms of this problem. Other symptoms associated with sciatica are muscle weakness and loss of reflexes in the knee or ankle. A herniated or damaged spinal disc is the main cause of sciatica.
Such kind of damage results from physical injuries like lifting weights in the wrong way, injury caused by falling, etc. Damaged discs cause pinching of nerves present at the root of sciatic cord; which causes inflammation or pain. It is necessary that a person consults a physician immediately after he/she observes any of the nerve inflammation symptoms.
The physician finds out the exact disc being affected with the help of these symptoms. Techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray could be used in the diagnosis. If the problem is mild, one could just think of resting, taking anti-inflammatory medication or applying ice to the affected area so as to obtain relief.
Physical therapy is used to prevent muscle atrophy and recovery from nerve inflammation. Atrophy of muscles may result from continuous rest. The physical therapy exercises recommended by doctors not only tone the muscles, but also provide relief from this condition.
Injections meant for dissolving the disc can be recommended as one of the treatment measures. If the problem worsens, surgery remains the only option for removal of the affected disc.

Central Nervous System Vasculitis

In this disorder, the central nervous system (CNS) gets inflamed. It is difficult to diagnose this rare disorder since the central nervous system vasculitis (CNSV) is similar to lupus and multiple sclerosis. The vasculitis syndrome can be categorized into primary and secondary vasculitis.
Primary vasculitis is a problem where no other factors except vasculitis are responsible for nerve damage. In secondary vasculitis, nerves get damaged because of lupus. The main causes of CNSV are the use of drugs like cocaine and amphetamines. A reaction to these drugs may result into CNSV.
Factors such as organ transplants, malignancy, infection and systemic connective tissue diseases can also be associated with CNSV. The Central Nervous System Vasculitis cannot be completely cured since it is an autoimmune disorder.
If you are suffering from any of the symptoms described earlier, consulting a doctor at the earliest should be the best thing to do. However, the information should help you know more about nerve inflammation.