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Night Sweats During Pregnancy

Nicks J
Alterations in hormone levels is the primary reason why pregnant women sweat at night. Read the following story to know about ways to manage heavy sweating.
Hormonal imbalance that is common during pregnancy, can give rise to excessive sweating. Significant changes in hormone levels is a side effect of being pregnant, which can cause intense sweating and even wet the bed considerably at night. When hormone levels fluctuate, it can also lead to fatigue and joint pain.

Why Hormonal Fluctuations Lead to Night Sweats?

The body temperature is controlled by a specific part of the brain, that adjusts the body heat, according to the surrounding environment. For instance, in order to maintain the body temperature, during summer season, the brain sends appropriate signals so that the body releases heat in the form of sweat. Whereas during winter, the brain works to keep the body warmer.
The area of the brain that does the job of regulating the body temperature will work efficiently only when the hormonal balance in the body is normal. However, studies show that during pregnancy, there is a sharp reduction in estrogen level.
As the estrogen production decreases, this negatively affects the functioning of that part of the brain. Thus, due to hormonal imbalance, the brain is no longer capable enough to control the body temperature. As a result, there is a rise in body temperature, which is mitigated somehow by releasing heat in the form of heavy night sweating during pregnancy.

Managing Night Sweats

Although getting sweaty during pregnancy is unavoidable, certain precautions can be taken to ease the discomfort. For instance, it is recommended not to wear woolen clothes or tight clothes during pregnancy. Instead, go for light clothing, so as to reduce the uneasiness associated with excessive sweating.
Sleeping with closed windows can also make you sweat profusely. So, make sure that the room where you sleep is well-ventilated and not congested. You can also switch on the fan to keep the room temperature cool.


Hormonal imbalance in pregnant women can be treated with certain medicines and herbs. Taking supplements that contain synthetically prepared hormones can help to normalize hormone levels. However, one needs to consult a doctor, to know whether these supplements can be taken during pregnancy.
Intake of herbs such as Macafem (often the first line of treatment), helps to increase the body's ability to produce hormone in sufficient amounts. However, if you are able to tolerate night sweats, there is absolutely no need of treatment, as it is a temporary issue that often goes away after pregnancy.
On the whole, a healthy diet along with exercise can equally contribute to curb bouts of excessive sweating in pregnant women. Drinking plenty of water and staying away from alcohol and smoking will help to keep night sweats at bay.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.