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Nodules on Lungs

Marlene Alphonse
Nodes on lungs are caused due to several reasons. Read the following story for more information on the growth of nodes in the lung tissue, along with the causative factors and treatment options for this respiratory disorder...
The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system in human beings. There is a pair of lungs situated on the either side of the thoracic cavity. The lungs contain many alveoli that help in the exchange of gases. Lungs are required for respiration that is an essential activity for the sustenance of life.
Sometimes due to unhealthy practices, the lungs tend to get infected and are prone to many diseases. One of the illnesses that affects this respiratory organ is nodules or tumors, which are mostly benign.
Nodules on lungs, that are also known as pulmonary nodules, are a mass of tissue or lesions located in the lungs. These nodules may develop in either or both the lungs. Some of the outgrowths can be benign or non cancerous in nature, while some are cancerous or malignant. If nodule begins to develop at a rapid speed then it may be an indication of cancer.
The presence of cysts on lung tissue can be detected if the condition shows symptoms like a feeling of tightness in the chest, difficulty in breathing that is mostly confused with chest cold or flu and experiencing short breaths. Some other indications of the presence of pulmonary nodes are fatigue and pain in the chest.
The development of nodes on the lungs are rarely noticed and the symptoms they show are often mistaken for cold and flu. Many a time, pulmonary nodules are discovered by sheer accident like while taking an X-ray or a scan.

Causes of Nodules on Lungs

The nodes or outgrowths that are benign are usually caused due to an injury to the lungs and the formation of scar tissue. This scarring of the lungs can give rise to the formation of tiny outgrowths or nodes. Given below are some more causes of nodules on either of the lungs;


Tuberculosis or TB is an infectious disease that is caused due to an infestation of pathogens called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This disease is also highly contagious that tends to spread to the other parts of the body.
The symptoms of tuberculosis include fever, unexplained weight loss, persistent cough that can produce blood and loss of appetite. Blood comes out of the mouth while coughing due to the presence of a wound in the lungs. These wounds can turn into benign tumors.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections can lead to the development of pulmonary nodules. Tumors that are caused due to fungal infections can be observed in people who do construction work, are employed in carpet factories or asbestos making factories, farming and gardening.


Hematoma occurs when there is an irritation or injury to the lungs which may lead to internal bleeding and cause swelling. The formation of a hematoma can lead to the growth of non cancerous outgrowths on lungs.

Cysts in the Lungs

When the small lesions in the lungs get filled with air or fluid, they can turn into pulmonary nodules. These lesions develop due to pulmonary metastasis, pneumonia and other health related disorders. The cysts may also be prone to infections, in case of the presence of foreign bodies or pathogens in the lungs.


An aneurysm is also responsible for this condition. In an aneurysm, the artery begins to widen in a unhealthy manner, which can weaken the walls and rupture them. Blood leakage can occur, forming clots, later leading to growth of tissue in the lungs.

Lung Cancer

The presence of abnormal cells in the lungs can lead to the development of pulmonary nodules, which can be cancerous or malignant in nature, resulting in lung cancer.

Other Causative Factors

Some other causes that lead to the formation of lumps on lungs are histoplasmosis, blood clot in lungs, also known as pulmonary embolism and other vascular abnormalities like a hemorrhage, hyperemia (congestion of the lung) and embolus (pulmonary obstruction).

Treatment for Nodes on Lungs

The nodules are treated according to their nature and severity. The tubercles on lungs are diagnosed with the help of an X-ray or a scan. Cancerous pulmonary nodules can be detected with the help of CT scan or PET scan. The severity of the cancerous tumors can be detected with the help of a tissue biopsy.
In case the nodes are malignant in nature, the individual may have to undergo surgery to remove the cancerous outgrowths. There are several surgical options like a mini-thoracotomy, thoroscopic surgery or full thoracotomy, that will depend on the size and location of the non cancerous tumors on the lungs.
In order to prevent the occurrence of nodules on the lungs and liver, it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle. Quit smoking for a longer disease free life. Hope you found this article on this disorder of the respiratory system helpful and informative. Take care!