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Normal Pulse Rate for Women

Madhura Pandit
The pulse rate or the heart rate is defined as the rate or the number of heart beats measured in a specific unit of time. Presented here is information on healthy pulse rate for women while resting, when involved in strenuous activity, during pregnancy, etc.
You must have often seen the doctor checking the pulse by holding the patient's wrist. The nature of the pulse rate helps in determining whether the person is well or unwell.

An Overview on Pulse Rate

The heart rate is usually measured in beats per minute of time and is considered as one of the ways of determining whether a person is healthy or not. In most of the cases, measuring the heart rate or pulse is meant to diagnose a disease or heart health. We all know that the pulse rate is usually checked at the wrist (ulnar artery).
However, it can be checked at many other places on the body like the neck (carotid artery), the inside of the elbow, behind the knee, in the groin, on the abdomen, chest, and temple. Heart rate can be measured with a stethoscope. On the other hand, the electrocardiograph (ECG or EKG) is the more advanced machine used to monitor heart rate accurately.

Pulse Rate for Women

The normal heart rate for adults is anything in between 60 to 100 beats per minute. The rate varies according to various factors like the age, weight, level of activity of the women, etc. The following facts will help you know the normal heart rate for women in different conditions.
The normal resting pulse rate for women should be between 60-70 beats per minute.
The normal heart rate during pregnancy is 85 or 90 beats per minute. Sometimes, it is also found to go as high as 100 beats per minute.
The healthy pulse rate for women during exercise is a lot higher than the resting rate. It is 90 to 120 beats per minute.
It should be noted that the heart rate changes according to one's age. Younger women have a higher heart rate than older women. On the other hand, other factors like one's weight also plays an important role in the variations caused in pulse rate.
Obese women have a higher heart rate than those with moderate or low body weight. It should also be noted that the pulse rate does not remain constant, and hence, it is essential to get it checked at regular intervals. As mentioned here, extremely higher or lower heart rate is a sign of disorder.
You can keep a check on your pulse rate and know whether you are healthy and fit, or need to consult the doctor. If suffering from disorder, you should get proper treatment to get your heart rate back to normal. It is recommended to consult the doctor if you constantly have higher or lower heart rate. Take care!
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical professional.