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Novel Coronavirus – Causes and Prevention

Duplex Healthcare
COVID-19 – this is what the World Health Organization officially renamed Coronavirus (which is a generic name for a particular family of viruses known as Coronavirus, by the way). One of the best ways to ensure your home is fully sanitized and free from all germs or viruses is to use the steam and vapour technology from Duplex Healthcare.

The precise cause for the emergence of COVID-19 has yet to be found

Scientists have theorized that it might have zoonotic implications.
Zoonotic means that the virus is transmissible from animals to humans and the Chinese state media linked the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan with the local seafood market.

Moreover, COVID-19 could have spread from bats to another animal species, which then infected humans via these food markets.

How can we prevent getting infected with COVID-19?

The new Coronavirus is an airborne virus, which means it’s carried via air, through water droplets from sneezes, coughs, and so on. The virus can also survive on many surfaces such as walls, though its survival period is much shorter. One of the best ways to ensure your home is fully sanitized and free from viruses is to use the steam and vapour technology.

Other Ways You Could Prevent Getting Infected with Coronavirus are:

  • Proper hygiene – wash your hands as frequently as possible, and cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough
  • Maintain distance from seemingly infected people
  • Don’t touch your eyes, mouth, or nose. Your hands have touched many surfaces which could have had residual bacteria or viruses on them
  • Seek medical help if you have any symptoms

Complete Disinfection is Entirely Possible

As always, the most useful prevention method is common sense and good hygiene. Besides, outbreak prevention regularly is also a good way to ensure that the transmission of viruses or bacteria doesn't happen again very often.