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Ovarian Cyst Pain Relief

Pragya T
Ovarian cysts are common uterine conditions, which many times disappear on their own. However, one can experience pain symptoms when one has ovarian cysts. This article will guide you on natural ovarian cyst pain relief and ovarian cysts pain relief using medicines.
Ovarian cyst is a sac-like structure, which contains a fluid and can form either on the ovary or inside the ovary. Ovarian cysts commonly occur from puberty to menopause and become rare after menopause. Ovarian cysts can form when the egg is released during the ovulating period. However, during ovulation, sometimes the follicle fails to break open and release the egg, instead the fluid stays inside the follicle forming a cyst.


Often there are no symptoms of ovarian cysts, but if the ovarian cyst bleeds or break opens, there are pain symptoms. The pain symptoms can also occur if there is twisting of the fallopian tube, or if the ovarian cyst is pushing the nearby tissues.
Here, are the pain and other ovarian cyst signs:
  • Change in the menstruation time or pattern
  • No menstruation (amenorrhea)
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Longer or shorter duration of periods
  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Pelvic pain during movement
  • Dull or aching pelvic pain

Natural Pain Relief

  • By warming up the pelvic area, you can find considerable relief from the ovarian cysts pain. You can make a hot compresses and place it on your lower back whenever in pain. Alternatively, you can also soak in hot water tub.
  • You can also try ice compresses for the ovarian pain relief, but make sure you use a cloth pad and place ice inside it, instead of using ice directly.
  • By consuming natural diuretics one can find pain relief from ovarian cysts. Try eating anything made of parsley like a sandwich. Also eating tomatoes on a regular basis can help reduce the ovarian cysts pain.
  • Try to limit your movements when going through the ovarian cyst pain.
  • Wear loose clothes, so that there is no pressure to irritate the cyst which can lead to increased pain.

Medical Treatment

  • Pain killers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, which are available over-the-counter can be used for pain management
  • Many times birth control pills are used, which help in preventing the formation of follicles
  • If complications occur with the ovarian cysts like when it gets large or twisted, surgical removal method of ovarian cysts is the best option
  • In very rare cases, a hysterectomy is performed
Around 95% of ovarian cysts are not dangerous, and rarely an ovarian cyst can develop into ovarian cancer. However, if you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms, contact a gynecologist and get yourself examined for ovarian cysts. The exams include MRI, CT scans, ultrasound etc.
The doctor might also ask you to get certain blood tests. Functional ovarian cysts don't need any treatments and disappear within a period of 8 - 12 weeks. However, the nonfunctional ones need treatment so it is important that you get the type of ovarian cyst diagnosed and treated by a gynecologist.
However, if you are experiencing the above pain symptoms, you can always use natural pain treatment options like hot compresses and find immediate relief or take the pain killers for effective pain relief.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.