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Pain Above Eye

Madhura Pandit
Pain around or above eyes can be caused due to eye problems or even migraine. The information on the potential causes and treatment methods will be helpful to you.
The eye is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. Injury or a disorder related to it can lead to pain in and around the eye. Are you recently experiencing sharp pain above eyelid or eyeball? There can be several potential causes for the same.

Causes for Pain Around Eye

In minor cases, problems with the contact lens can lead to pain around the eye. An incorrect or inappropriately placed contact lens can cause pain in and around the eye.

Eye Problems

When one complains of pain around the eye, the first potential cause considered is a problem in the eye. Irritation or inflammation in the eye due to viral or bacterial infection can lead to pain. Swelling and pain around the eye can occur due to eye injury. One should remember that pain around eyeball or eyelid can also be a symptom of some internal eye problem.


Sinusitis or sinus infection is one of the most prominent causes of pain above eye socket. It is the inflammation of the sinuses caused due to infections. As in case of sinusitis, all the facial sinuses are inflamed, a person suffers from pain on the forehead, usually above or below the eyes. Sinusitis can be acute or chronic and is characterized by other symptoms like pain behind eye, headache, cough, fever, etc.


Migraine is a condition when a person experiences severe throbbing headache. The exact cause of migraine is unknown, however, there are several factors like bright light, odor, food, stress, etc., that trigger off this condition. The pain experienced due to migraine usually is felt on only one side of the head. Pain above eyeball, nausea, vomiting, sickness, sensitivity to light and sound are the other symptoms of migraine.
Apart from these, conjunctivitis (pink eye), glaucoma, other eye infections, etc., are other causes for eyeball pain. If a person experiences pain that lasts for more than a couple of hours, it is advised to consult the doctor or an eye specialist immediately.


The eye specialist will examine or ask the person to undergo X-ray or MRI in order to diagnose the exact cause of the condition. The treatment of eye problems depend on the cause for the same.
In minor cases, medications like eye drops or oral medications may prove helpful; whereas in severe cases, a surgery may be required. Sinusitis can be treated with medications. There are several medications that are easily available with the doctor's prescription which help in treating sinusitis effectively.
Decongestants, analgesics, and antibiotics are the medications used to treat sinusitis. Migraine can also be treated with medications. However, there are preventive measures that a person suffering from migraine needs to follow.
Firstly, it is essential to identify the trigger factor and try to stay away from it. Secondly, one should try to reduce or overcome stress to prevent migraine.
One should remember that most of the aforementioned causes can be treated if timely treatment is undertaken. Therefore, you should consult a doctor immediately if you experience any eye problems. It is recommended to have a regular eye checkup once in a year and take the necessary eye care measures to prevent eye problems. Take care!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.