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Pain in Lower Right Abdomen

Madhura Pandit
Appendicitis, constipation, bowel obstruction, kidney infection, etc., are the most common causes of abdominal pain on the lower right side. Here is information on some of the possible disorders that cause this symptom.
In most cases, abdominal pain is due to indigestion or constipation. However, if other symptoms like fever, backache are observed along with it, you cannot rule out the possibility of a severe underlying disorder. As several vital organs are located in the right abdominal area, there can be many possible reasons for chronic or acute lower abdominal pain.

Causes and Treatment

Although disorders of the stomach like food poisoning, injury, infection, etc., top the list of causes of stomach pain, it can also be caused due to reasons not related to the stomach at all.
Here are some of the potential causes, their symptoms, and treatment methods in brief.


After constipation, this is one of the most common causes of pain, specifically in the lower right side of the abdomen. Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix, that occurs due to no known reason. This condition is commonly found in people of age groups in between 11-40 years.
Severe pain is specifically experienced on the right side of the abdomen as the appendix is located there. Other symptoms like fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, etc., are also observed.

Surgical removal of the inflamed appendix is the most recommended and effective methods used to treat appendicitis.


Although rare, abdominal pain can be one of the symptoms of colon cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer (also known as gastric cancer), ovarian cancer, etc. Cancer is caused due to an uncontrolled growth of cells (tumor) inside a specific organ.
Signs of gastric cancer are similar to the symptoms of other stomach disorders. Pain in abdomen, nausea, indigestion, fatigue, vomiting, weight loss, heartburn, abdominal fullness, weakness, etc., are some of the early symptoms.
A combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are the typical treatment methods for cancer. Surgical removal of tumor or infected part; radiation therapy, etc., can help in treating cancer to a great extent, if diagnosed early.


Constipation is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain and cramps. It can occur due to a variety of reasons, like not drinking sufficient amounts of water, following a diet lacking in fiber, as a side effect of certain medication, improper lifestyle, etc. Constipation can affect people of all age groups.
Passing stools for less than 3 times in a week, passing very hard stools, abdominal cramps, straining when passing stools, rectal pain, weight loss (in chronic cases), etc.
In most of the cases, making changes in your diet and lifestyle can help in treating constipation. The doctor will also prescribe medication or laxatives to cure chronic constipation. In severe cases, a surgery will be recommended if the person suffers from intestinal obstruction.


Sometimes, sacs or pouches, known as diverticula, bulge out from the wall of the colon. The swelling or inflammation of these diverticula is known as diverticulitis. The exact cause of diverticulitis is unknown.
Lower abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, changes in bowel habits, fever, etc., are the symptoms of diverticulitis.

In mild cases, using antibiotics and following a liquid diet can help in relieving the symptoms. On the other hand, in severe cases, surgery and hospitalization may be required.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a disorder of pregnancy that occurs when the fertilized egg gets implanted in other parts of the female reproductive system, instead of the uterus. In most of the cases, the egg gets implanted in the fallopian tubes. Severe pain in the lower right abdomen during pregnancy is usually caused due to ectopic pregnancy.
Mild to severe pain in the abdomen (on one side), vaginal bleeding, sweating, diarrhea, etc.

If detected in early stages, medications are prescribed to terminate the pregnancy and treat the symptoms. In later stages, surgical methods may be required to treat the abnormalities.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

This is a common disorder of the digestive system, more specifically, the colon. When suffering from this disorder, the person experiences alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea. The cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is unknown. Stress, digestion related disorders, hormonal imbalance, etc., are believed to be the possible causes.
Diarrhea, constipation, bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramps, headache, fatigue, discomfort, loss of appetite, etc.
Making changes in the diet and lifestyle can control IBS to a great extent. Medicines, laxatives, antidiarrheals, antispasmodics, etc., are helpful in relieving the symptoms. If IBS is caused due to stress and mental disorders, the patient should go for appropriate therapy and treatment methods.

Kidney Stone / Infection

Kidney stones are stones of calcium or uric acid, formed due to their excess deposition in the body. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen that travels to the groin and to the back is the characteristic symptom of kidney stones.
Sharp lower abdominal pain, lower back pain, nausea, vomiting, difficulty while urination, fever, brown colored urine, etc.

Home treatment and medication can help in passing smaller kidney stones. You will need a surgery to break and remove large kidney stones.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

The Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), as the name suggests, is a disease characterized by inflammation of the female reproductive system. It is one of the serious consequences of STD. Having a history of STDs, having unprotected sex with multiple partners, etc., increase the risk of infection. PID can lead to infertility in women.
Lower abdominal and lower back pain, difficulty during urination, irregular menstrual cycle, vaginal spotting, diarrhea, vomiting, pain during sex, etc.

Antibiotics can treat the initial and milder symptoms of PID. In severe cases, if the inflammation has caused an abscess, a surgery may be required.

Testicular Torsion

This condition occurs when the spermatic cord (in males) gets twisted, resulting in sudden and severe pain. Due to the twisting of the cord, blood flow is affected. In severe cases, it can even lead to complete damage to the testis.
Nausea, vomiting, pain in the testicles and scrotum, lower abdominal pain, swelling, etc.

Surgery is required to treat testicular torsion. If detected at an early stage, testicles can be saved. If not, they may have to be removed.

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a collective name used to describe infection in either parts of the urinary system: the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, or the urethra. Bacterial infection in the urinary tract gives rise to this disease.
Difficulty and pain during urination, blood in urine, fever, nausea, pelvic pain, tender stomach, vomiting, etc., are the symptoms of urinary tract infection.

Antibiotics are used to treat UTI. Drinking adequate amounts of water, practicing good hygiene, and safe sex helps in treatment and prevention of UTI.

Viral Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis, or stomach flu, is caused due to viral infection in the stomach and intestines. It is caused due to consumption of contaminated food or water. It commonly affects children. Symptoms of this condition are similar to food poisoning.
Diarrhea, vomiting, pain in abdomen, cramping, low-grade fever, body ache, loss of appetite, muscle pain, chills, dehydration, etc.

Medications are prescribed to treat the symptoms. Having electrolytes and plain drinking water can treat dehydration. At the same time, the doctor will also prescribe changes in diet and lifestyle.
Apart from the aforementioned ones, diseases like Crohn's disease, hernia, intestinal obstruction, gallbladder inflammation, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, ovarian torsion, etc., can also lead to stomach pain on the right side.
It is wise to consult the doctor if you experience chronic or acute lower abdominal pain. The doctor will diagnose the cause after analyzing your medical history and conducting diagnostic tests. It is recommended to take only those medications that are prescribed by the doctor.
Abdominal pain, of any kind, should not be ignored as it is one of the potential symptoms of any of the aforementioned serious disorders. It is wise to consult the doctor and look for proper treatment methods. Take care!
Disclaimer: This post is intended only to provide information. Consulting the doctor is the only way to treat any disorder.