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Physical Therapy for Shoulder Tendonitis

Bhakti Satalkar
Shoulder tendonitis is a common problem faced by many people all over the world. Physical therapy for shoulder tendonitis helps in healing this condition. You may choose to opt for medication, but it will only relieve the symptoms for some time. It is with regular physical therapy that the condition can well be treated.
Inflammation of the tendons is commonly known as tendonitis. In this condition, swelling of the tendon along with soreness and redness is observed. In case of shoulder tendonitis, often, the rotator cuff and / or tendons in the biceps are affected.
The severity of the condition may range anywhere from mild to severe. The condition is said to be severe, when the entire rotator cuff is said to be affected with the problem. In most cases, this condition is caused due to certain repetitive actions.
In many cases, it may be termed as overuse injury, often caused due to swimming, racket sports, etc. It can also be caused due to tendon degeneration. Some patients suffer from this condition due to weak muscles. This often leads to extra force being exerted on the tendons.
Often, a person, when affected with this condition, will experience pain with almost all the movements of the arm. Along with the other methods to alleviate the condition, physical therapy has an important role to play in the healing process.

Treatment for Shoulder Tendonitis

The first aim of the treatment for the shoulder is to alleviate the pain. When a patient is affected with this condition, the first measure that needs to be taken is to rest the shoulder joint.
This will help in alleviating the pain up to a large extent. All strenuous activities have to be avoided at all costs. As far as possible, moving the shoulder joint too much should be avoided. In some cases, a sling may have to be used.
Use ice on the affected part. This will help in regularization of the blood flow to the affected part. All of us are aware of the fact that blood has a healing capacity. When blood flow to the affected part is increased, the healing process will be accelerated.
It is important that ice be used on the affected part after every 3 to 4 hours for about 10 to 15 minutes. However, make it a point that the ice is not placed directly on the skin.
To alleviate the pain in the said area, anti-inflammatory medications can be taken. These anti-inflammatory or analgesic medicines will help not only in relieving the pain, but also help in relieving inflammation. This ensures that the healing process of the body is rather faster.
The last, but the most important part of the treatment is physical therapy. In this treatment method, the therapist may make use of ultrasound therapy to treat the condition. This therapy helps in warming the deep tissues and improves blood flow to the affected area. Once the therapist is satisfied with the progress made, stretching and strengthening exercises are prescribed.

Physical Therapy Exercises for Shoulder Tendonitis

When the condition is under control and the pain has alleviated, then shoulder tendonitis exercises are prescribed to the patient. However, it is important that one does not use weights while doing the shoulder tendonitis exercises, as this can aggravate the inflammation in the tendons.
Therefore, the shoulder tendonitis exercises to avoid are the shoulder exercises which involve the use of weights. The exercises should be for the inside of the rotator cuff as well as for the outside. Strengthening exercises have an important role to play, as they not only help in the healing process, but also help in preventing the condition in the future.

Warm Up Exercise

This warm up exercise is also known as the pendulum exercise. As the name suggests, you will have to let your arms hang loose from the shoulders. To complete this exercise, bend down from your waist and let your arms hang loose.
Now move the arms from side to side, and forward and backward. After which, try to lift your arms to the shoulder level and hold the position for a couple of seconds, and lower them again to repeat the exercise.

Exercise # 1

The next exercise is a simple exercise, which will help in increasing the supply of blood to the shoulder region. Extend your right hand in front of you. Then swing the arm around your left shoulder, as though you are trying to hug yourself. You either repeat the exercise using one arm at a time, or use both the arms simultaneously.

Exercise # 2

The next exercise is similar to the first exercise. In this exercise, extend your hand in front of you. Now gradually bend the hand at the elbow and try to reach the hand as far as you can on your back. Try to stay in this position as long as you can. To come out of this position, extend your hand out above your head and then lower your hand. Repeat the same with the other hand as well.

Exercise # 3

This exercise is one of the most common gym exercise, which we never give the required importance to. Stand straight with your hands placed next to your thighs. Make sure your shoulders are soft and relaxed, before you start with this exercise.
Now gradually lift the shoulders, as is you are trying to touch them to your ears. However, your head should not move at all. Hold the shrug position for a few counts and then release to repeat the exercise again.
Before you start with physical therapy for shoulder tendonitis, it is important that you consult your physiotherapist. Depending on your condition, he will be able to recommend the right exercises for you. When you are doing any exercise, if you feel any sort of pain, stop doing the exercise immediately, and consult your therapist regarding the same.