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Pinched Nerve in Neck and Shoulder

Niharika Arya
Numbness, pain and weakness in the neck and shoulder areas are some of the symptoms of a pinched nerve in neck and shoulder. Read on to know about the causes, symptoms and treatments of the same.
Our body is governed by our brain. Every action that we perform is ordered by the brain and performed by different parts of the body. These instructions are carried to the brain via nerves which carry electrochemical signals.
When these signals are interrupted or blocked by any bone spur, muscles, joints, etc. the person may observe numbness and pain in that particular part of the body which is due to a pinched nerve. You can experience a pinched nerve in any part of the body.
One of the most common areas is the neck and the shoulder. Pinched nerve in neck and shoulder is known as cervical radiculopathy. Find out more about this condition in the following paragraphs.

Pinched Nerve Causes

A pinched nerve is basically experienced in the neck region, which controls the reflexes and nerves of the shoulders. Hence the pressure which results from the pinched nerve is observed in the neck area.
The reasons behind pinched nerve in neck and shoulder may be poor posture, wrong method of exercise, accidents, injuries, slip disc, arthritis, bone spur, tumors, etc. Over weight, mental and physical stress etc. can also be responsible for pinched nerve in these areas.

Pinched Nerve Symptoms

Pinched nerve in neck symptoms can be easily noticed but may be mistaken for muscle pain. Following are some of the symptoms which may help you understand the difference between muscle pain and a pinched nerve
  • The cervical nerve which is pinched due to some kind of pressure will be first identified by pain. The pain may be observed between the neck and the shoulder and may even become severe as time passes. You may experience a shooting pain while sneezing and coughing.
  • You may observe weakness in the shoulders due to pinched nerve in shoulder blades. This may also result in a dull ache and tightness in the neck, stretched shoulder muscles and loss of motor function. Sometimes you may even face difficulty in moving your neck and rotating your shoulder.
  • Tingling and numbness are the most identifiable symptoms of pinched nerves. They are a result of the improper blood flow in that particular part of the body. It also shows that the neck and the shoulder are not receiving proper signals from the brain. You may also observe a pins and needles sensation.

Pinched Nerve Treatment

Pinched nerve can be treated through medical assistance or through home remedies. Following are some of the pinched nerve in neck treatments which will help you get rid of the pain and discomfort caused due to it
  • The best thing you can do to get relief from a pinched nerve is to give the affected area a proper massage. You can either get it done by a professional or can also perform it at home. While doing it on your own, just start by applying slight pressure in the beginning and then increase it.
  • There are very effective exercises for pinched nerve. Rotating your neck first anti-clock wise and then clock wise, around 4 to 5 times may also relieve the pain. Similarly rotate both your arms and slowly it will loosen up the muscles. You can also consult a physician for more exercises.
  • Both cold therapy and hot therapy are effective in relieving pinched nerve. Perform this treatment a number of times a day and see the difference.
  • Painkillers like Ibuprofen may be recommended in case of severe pain. The doctor may advise you to take injections and ointments for fast relief.
  • If you are not able to get relief from the treatments given above, the doctor may suggest you to undergo pinched nerve surgery. This may include the removal of the tissue which is putting pressure on the nerve.
Rich fiber diet, may also help in relieving pain of pinched nerve. Do not exert the area which is affected as it may result in worse consequences. Try out simple treatments given in this story and if you are still not able to get relief then consult a doctor.