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Pinworms in Humans

Nicks J
Pinworms in humans, whether in children or adults, is usually not a cause for concern. This intestinal infection rarely leads to health complications, but needs to be treated nonetheless.
Found in the intestinal tract and rectum of humans, pinworms are tiny worms that generally do not cause any serious health problems. Although pinworm infection is commonly seen among children, it can affect people of all ages.
Pinworms are contagious, which means if a person is affected, then other members of his family are likely to catch this infection through physical contact. Most of the time, pinworm infection is diagnosed in children in the age group of 5-10.
The length of these thread like worms is gender dependent. For instance, females are around 8-13 mm long, whereas as males are much smaller and their length varies from 2 to 5 mm. Considering their size, an adult pinworm can be easily noticed through the naked eye. On the other hand, a microscope is needed to view the pinworm eggs.
Pinworms are also sometimes referred to as intestinal parasites because, once they gain access into your body, they prefer to stay in the large intestine from where they can easily absorb nutrients from food. Once in the human body, adult worms can survive for around 3 months.


People following unsanitary food habits and living in unhygienic conditions are the main reasons why many suffer from this annoying infection. Eating foods contaminated with pinworm eggs can lead to this parasitic infection. Unwashed clothing and bedding, carpets are some of the other objects on which these eggs are found and can stay infective for approximately 3 weeks.
As we come in contact with these objects everyday, pinworm eggs will soon gain entry into our body. For instance, when you keep your hands on the carpet, the eggs are likely to get stuck up on the nails. The eggs eventually pass into our body when you bite the nails or don't wash hands before meals. You may also inhale the eggs while dusting these contaminated bed sheets.
A female pinworm lays thousands of eggs around the anus during her lifetime. Scratching this area can dislodge the eggs which may then get transferred to the finger nails. Eventually touching any object or person can result into spreading of this infection.


In most cases, pinworms observed in humans is a mild infection. Hence, many times the patient may not show any symptoms at all. However, the most common symptom associated with pinworms is itchiness around the anus or vaginal area.
The symptoms tend to become more severe during the night. This is because during night-time, the pinworm moves all the way down to the rectal area and hatches eggs somewhere around the anal area.
So the person may find it extremely difficult to get adequate sleep. These intestinal parasites may cause urinary tract infections as well, mainly observed in women. In case pinworms penetrate the urethra or vagina, it may lead to endometriosis and vaginitis. Pinworms in human never cause internal bleeding, so the question of blood in stools does not arise.
Other symptoms that manifest are as follows:
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Gastrointestinal problems


The 'Scotch tape' test is often used to check whether the person has been affected with this parasitic infection. The test involves putting a clear adhesive cellulose tape on the anus in the morning prior to bath or visiting the toilet.
Doctors often advice to perform the test at night when the itchy sensation is severe.The tape is then removed and examined under microscope to check for pinworm eggs. In rare cases, adult pinworms are visible on the fecal matter.


Certain home remedies can cure this infection without causing any side effects. For mild infections, use of home remedies is the best option. Pinworms in children, as well as adults, can be easily treated and is not a cause of immense worry. Here are few of the most common ways on how to get rid of this parasitic infection:
Common Salt: Surprisingly, increasing intake of table salt, also known as sodium chloride (NaCl), can be an effective remedy for pinworms in humans. This is because people suffering from this infection develop a deficiency in common salt. Hence, having a high salt diet for a period of 2 weeks is sufficient to rid the body from the clutches of pinworms.
Garlic: Fresh cloves of garlic provide an easy way to eliminate these parasites. Simply chew them and one will get the desired result within a few days. Garlic, also available in a capsule form, is very effective to treat this infection.
Papaya Seeds: Papaya seeds can successfully eliminate pinworms from the intestinal tract of humans. However, papaya seeds are most effective when taken in the right way. First of all, one has to take these seeds on an empty stomach. Secondly, you need to chew them properly before swallowing them to get the desired outcome.
Other home remedies involve the usage of the following foods that can help to remove pinworms living in the intestinal tract. These food products have a high medicinal value and are available at various drug stores.
  • Chaparral tea taken on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day
  • Almond bran and fig juice
  • Pumpkin seeds
Medications: Medications are commonly used when the infection is severe. Unfortunately, home remedies are not effective to treat very severe cases of pinworm infection. Reese's pinworm medicine is very popular and has been quite successful in eliminating pinworms. The dosage will entirely depend upon the age of the patient. The dose of this medicine varies for children and adults.
Prescription drugs such as Antepar and Povan are effective anti-pinworm medicines, but need to be taken under the guidance of a medical practitioner. Albendazole and Mebendazole are also commonly prescribed anti-worm medications that prevent pinworms from multiplying.
These medicines are available in the tablet form and are quite effective in destroying the worms. In order to flush out the worms from the body, enemas can also be useful. A cream is often prescribed to reduce the itching and irritation around the anal area.
Pinworm infection can be easily prevented by maintaining good hygiene. Washing your hands with an antiseptic soap from time to time, especially before meals and after coming from outdoors, is crucial to prevent this intestinal infection.
Although the parasitic infection triggers an itchy sensation in the anal area, one should avoid scratching it. This is because there is a high possibility of pinworm eggs getting trapped under the fingernails, in turn increasing the chances of spreading the pinworm infection. As the infection can easily spread through the fingernails, it is expected to trim the nails as much as possible.