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Pounding Heartbeat

Marlene Alphonse
A pounding heartbeat or heart palpitations may be unpleasant to experience, but can be a medical emergency. This condition can occur at any time during the day as well as night. Any such changes should not be ignored and it should be brought to the immediate notice of the doctor. This story provides some information on the same.
The normal heart rate of an average adult is about 60 to 100 beats per minute. If you place your hand on the left side of the chest, you can feel your heart beating in a normal lub dub manner. The rate of heartbeats is normal while the body is at rest, but there can be a dramatic increase in the same during episodes of excitement, stress, and anxiety, etc. The heart may calm down, once the situation comes under control.
However, there are some instances when individuals may experience throbbing heartbeat suddenly without any apparent reason. These can be felt as heavy beats on the rib cage, accompanied by pressure. This should not be passed off as something 'usual', since an irregular heartbeat may be an indicator of heart and lung problems. So, if there is an instance of pounding heartbeat or palpitations when lying down, or while doing some task, it is essential to visit a cardiologist.


There can be several reasons why the heart may start pounding all of a sudden. A high pulse rate, which may make the heartbeat feel as if it is racing, can occur as a sign of some underlying cardiovascular disorder.
Here are some of the factors that can be held responsible for experiencing such a condition:
  • Strong emotional stress is one of the primary reasons for noticing a change in the heart's rhythm. This temporary change can speed up the heartbeats. Other emotions like fear, being overexcited, happiness are also responsible for experiencing an increase in the same.
  • Experiencing this problem after eating a heavy meal can be a result of delayed digestion. This indigestion of food and fluids can cause an increase in the pulse rate and this condition is referred to as tachycardia.
  • Excessive intake of caffeine, carbonated drinks, smoking, and alcoholism can alter the heartbeats and increase their rhythm, making it feel as if the heart is hitting on the ribcage.
  • Certain medications and herbal remedies are also known to cause a change in the heart's rhythm. Drugs and medications that are used to treat hypertension (or high blood pressure), cold, asthma, and thyroid disorders, produce abnormal heart palpitations as one of their side effects.
  • Illnesses like fever, asthma, and anemia can give rise to unpleasant feelings in the chest in the form of a racing heart. Researchers have also proven that pain is one of the stimuli for an increased heart rate.
  • Some other factors for a racing heart are arrhythmia, atrial flutters, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, mitral valve prolapse, and pericarditis, etc.

Treating Abnormal Pounding of the Heart

In case heart palpitations are caused by diet or medications, they may get cured by adopting certain modifications. However, if this heart condition is a sign of some underlying health disorder, then visiting a physician is a must. The doctor may conduct a few tests to diagnose the exact cause of the condition. An ECG, MRI, and CT scan of the heart for close observation of the heartbeats may be required.
Once the cause is determined, the medical practitioner may proceed towards the treatment. Medications to remove plaque and clear blocked arteries may be administered as a first measure. Underlying causes may also be treated with the help of appropriate drugs.
In case the blockage is too severe, the physician may opt for a surgery to clear it and replace the affected blood vessel with a healthy one.

Preventive Measures

Everyone of us have heard this adage - 'Prevention is better than cure'. It is essential to put this into practice if unnecessary complications need to be avoided.
Here are some precautions that can be exercised, in order to prevent this cardiovascular disease.
  • Quitting smoking and alcoholism
  • Reducing or completely avoiding the intake of junk food and sticking to a healthy diet
  • Following a strict exercise regimen to control unnecessary weight gain
  • Routine analysis of health with a health care provider
Remember, any abnormality in the body especially the heart, should be resolved immediately to prevent any unwanted complications. A lapse in timely medical intervention can prove to be life-threatening and in some cases, result in fatality. So, a routine monitoring with the health care provider or cardiologist can prove beneficial for the heart's health.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.