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Pregnancy in the COVID-19 Crisis

Women go through many physical and chemical changes when they are pregnant. These changes can cause stress and uncertainty. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has increased the level of stress and anxiety. The COVID-19 virus is a new strain of the Corona Virus.
Pregnant women are feeling vulnerable to lockdown in places. The good news is that there have been no indications that pregnant women are more vulnerable. Researchers remember that the SARS virus outbreak in 2003 had a higher fatality for pregnant women (about 25%).
Doctors expect - most pregnant women will experience mild-to-moderate symptoms if the virus infects them. Elderly and those we weakened immune systems or people with chronic health conditions seem more vulnerable.
The hospital will place the baby in isolation if the mother is infected with the pandemic virus. Doctors will wear protective garb before treating and assessing the baby.
Right now, there is no evidence that the virus can be passed through breast milk. Infected mothers can also use a breast pump following proper pumping hygiene.
To prevent the chances of infection pregnant women should practice all the safety norms prescribed by doctors such as washing your hands and practice social distancing.
Avoid going to public places. You can ask the hospital about the current protocol, about the current rules on visitors.