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Preventing Sweaty Palms

Prerna Salla
Until the practice of shaking hands goes out of vogue, those who suffer from sweaty palms will want to figure out a way to solve, or at least minimize this problem. Here's some help...
Of course this condition puts the individual suffering from it in a really awkward situation. Although there are many ways in which you can avoid shaking hands, it would be better off to try these tips that might help you get rid of the situation, or at least minimize it.

Handy Tips

  • Try smearing cornstarch or talcum powder on your palms. Medicated powders are available to soak up moisture, too. The idea is to keep your palms dry as much as possible. For people staying in humid areas, this may be difficult to maintain, especially if you are working constantly on the keyboard. 
You could still keep a small bottle of talcum powder, preferably baby talcum powder, to help you solve this situation, and yet give you a wonderful fragrant feel.
  • Use an unscented, antiperspirant, preferably a product made for the palms and feet. You'll have to try one that suits you the best, as many people have sensitive skin, and although this may be just the palms, but it's always better to try out the best one beforehand.
  • Wipe your palms often with tissues or a hand towel. Use soft cotton hand towels instead of tissue paper. Tissue papers don't soak as much as cloth does. Besides, you could save the earth from getting depleted of its natural resources.
  • Make an appointment to see your health care provider if over-the-counter remedies don't help. Profuse sweating that occurs at inappropriate times (when you're not hot and you haven't been exercising) is a rare condition. Sometimes, physicians understand this problem as a result of hormonal imbalances. It's best to run tests to rule out the possibilities.
  • Get several opinions; some things may help the others and not you and vice-versa. The research for sweaty palms is ongoing, but there hasn't been a miraculous finding in this field.
With the help of your medical provider, discuss prescription drugs, toxin injections, and even mildly invasive surgical procedures that are available. Sweaty palms in a tense or high-anxiety moment is perfectly normal, and will ease up once the moment has passed. But if the problem persists, then it's beyond the normal momentary anxiety that's causing the condition.
Of course the condition is not as serious as it may make you fee it is. But if symptoms still persist, or if you have specific medical conditions or concerns, its best to consult your doctor.