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Problems Caused by Obesity

Shalu Bhatti
Gone are the days when fat was considered to be healthy. The problems caused by obesity are increasing day by day. It is high time now to stand up and take some action against it before it's too late!
Obesity isn't a sign of good health and prosperity, it's a health hazard which can not only lead to problems related to how you look, but also invite various health issues. Most people think that obesity is only a result of eating too much of high-calorie foods, but that is not true.
There are a lot of people who eat and exercise just fine, but are overweight or obese, due to some medical or hormonal conditions. If your body is out of shape because of a medical problem, it is advised to be strict when it comes to following the guidelines suggested by the doctor.
However, if the cause is a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, you need to brace yourself for a fight, not only with obesity, but also with yourself.
Obesity is friends with the problems that we will be discussing below, and a casual attitude towards this will lead to chronic suffering(s). It is important for you to educate yourself about excessive weight and some of the serious diseases it can trigger.

Health-related Problems

Obesity can cause problems in various aspects of our lives. Let us first discuss the health-related issues. It is very rightly said, Health is Wealth. Doctor's say that a person who is 40 percent overweight, has 2 times more chances to die early as compared to a person with an average weight.
People who have their body mass index (BMI) between 25-30 are considered to be overweight, and if their BMI is more than 30 or even 30, they are considered to be obese. The following are some diseases that are more likely to occur in people with higher BMI values, when compared to people within acceptable BMI range.
  • High blood Pressure and Heart Diseases: High blood pressure and heart diseases are somewhat interrelated. People who are obese are more prone to have high blood pressure due to which the risk for impaired heart functioning , enlarged heart, and heart stroke also increases.
The extra fat in the body decreases the supply of oxygen to the heart, leading to chest pain. This combined with high levels of cholesterol and blood pressure, highly multiplies the chances of heart failure.
  • Diabetes: Obesity also increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, which can lead to heart failure, nerve damage, and even blindness! When a person suffers from diabetes, the insulin secretion from the pancreas is reduced. As per statistics, more than 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight.
Chances can be reduced by taking proper measures to reduce weight and follow a proper diet and exercise routine. In fact, people who have an 'apple-shaped' body structure (accumulation of fat in the stomach and waist areas), are more prone to heart diseases, diabetes, and blood pressure issues.
  • Breathing Problems: These include asthma, mouth breathing, sleep apnea, and so on. These make you feel suffocated, and consequently, can even lead to heart failure. Sleep apnea can make you feel sleepy and lethargic all the time.
  • Gout: The more is your body weight, the more you would be susceptible to gout. If your blood has a high amount of uric acid, then it forms into crystal-like substance and solidifies in and around the joints of your body.
It is also found that a sudden change in the diet within a short span of time, can also increase the chances of gout attack. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with your doctor if you are planning to go on a special diet.
  • Cancer: Obesity can also make your body prone to certain types of cancers affecting breasts, uterus, colon, cervix, ovary, and so on.
  • Osteoarthritis: When one is suffering from obesity, there is an unwanted accumulation of fat in the joints of areas such as the knee, lower back, and hips, that adds extra pressure on these areas.
Due to the extra weight, the cartilages of these joints are worn off, leading to osteoarthritis. The chances for developing this problem are reduced if the weight of your body is reduced.
  • Gallstones and Gallbladder Diseases: Being obese also increases the chances of gallbladder stones which can be very painful at times. Not only this, these people are also prone to gallbladder cancer.
  • Infertility: Medical studies show that obesity leads to increase in estrogen levels in the body, which leads to hormonal imbalance. The hormone imbalance, in turn, leads to problems such as absence of menstrual cycle in women, which disturbs the ovulation cycle, gradually affecting the chances of pregnancy, or, in other words, causing infertility.
Studies show that obese men tend to indulge less in sexual activities as compared to men with normal weight. Also, they have low semen quality which affects fertility. Obesity can also lead to erectile dysfunction.
  • Mobility Problems: An overweight person tends to get tired very early as the body isn't used to physical activities. Also, if someone is excessively obese, he/she may suffer from immobility as the legs won't be able to take the weight of the body.
  • Skin Problems: Intertrigo is an infection that could be fungal or bacterial, and develops in the broken skin.
Occurrence of stretch marks and cellulitis, in which a particular area of the body swells and goes red with a burning sensation and tends to spread rapidly, is also fairly common. A skin disease called Acanthosis Nigricans in which the neck, underarms, or groin tend to develop a dark brown, velvety surface, is also commonly seen.

Psychological Problems

Obesity can also prove harmful when it comes to the mind. The following points show the harmful effects of this condition when it comes to the mental health of the person.
  • Low Self-esteem: Obesity leads to low self-esteem. Those who are "out of shape" are seen as aliens, and are sadly, the target of all bullies.
When others around are fit, flexible, and "in shape", those who are overweight are not given their due share of respect and understanding, which pushes them away from self-pride.
  • Depression: Apart from how mean the society can act with them at times, it is also related to their hormones. Indulging in more and more physical activities reduces depression and anxiety.
  • Lack of Attention and Enthusiasm: Obesity also leads to lack of attention and enthusiasm in a person. It may be due to the low self-pride, or health problems such as sleep apnea.
  • Body Dismorphic Disorder: It's a psychological condition wherein a person is unhappy and disturbed with his/her body image.
  • Anti-social Behavior: These people are more prone to develop an anti-social behavior in an attempt to create their own world which accepts them as they are.
Each and every person is aware that being obese is not healthy. It's not a choice that one makes in life. The causal factors can be anything from eating disorders, depression, lack of physical activities, hormonal imbalances, and so on. What is important is to take a step with determination and be a part of the fight against obesity.
The way is simple but needs sheer determination! Get in touch with a doctor who will chalk out the actual reason behind your excessive weight gain. If it is in your hands, just begin by eating healthy, exercising, and feeling good about yourself. Anything is possible if we are determined to do it! Take the right steps, stay healthy, and stay happy.
Disclaimer: This story is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a replacement for expert medical advice. Kindly consult a qualified physician and follow what has been advised.