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Protein Foods for Diabetics

Rutuja Jathar
Protein foods for diabetics are actually plenty, if one decides to be a bit innovative as well as selective while choosing the food. This story provides some information on the same.
When a person is affected by diabetes, the protein available in the body muscles is broken down into amino acids that later gets converted into glucose by the liver. If prior care is not taken, this process can create a lot of commotion within the internal body system.
Proteins are broken down relatively faster as they are needed in the conversion of energy that substitutes the carbohydrates. As a result of all this, body gets protein deficit which is not good for the functioning of the organs.
There are several severe dysfunctions and infections that can arise as a result of this protein deficiency. Hence, protein foods for diabetics is extremely important.

Protein and Diabetes

As we know, the body uses protein to maintain, build, and repair the damaged tissues, with leaving far less effects on the blood sugar levels (as carbohydrates and fats do). Protein is predominantly available in products derived from animals.
Some plants like red beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, lentils, and split peas also contain protein. Plant proteins are very low on fat as compared to the animal products hence, when it comes to protein foods, one must always try to combine these protein-containing plant foods with low-fat animal foods.
It is very important to combine proteins with the right amount of carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fats, and fatty acids (omega-3 fatty acids) too. Having equal portions of protein at regular intervals can be very useful. It is very important to select the food items wisely.
Not all the protein foods are good for the diabetics and not all of them can respond equally well to the high-protein diet as well. There are several kinds of proteins that can ultimately get converted into glucose.

High-Protein Foods

As stated repeatedly, one must always be very cautious while selecting the foods for diabetics. Daily intake of at least 8gm of protein per 20lbs of the body weight is said to be ideal and helpful for any human being. It is a must to avoid any of the saturated fats and one must try to include fish in their diet.
Eating fish provides enough of polyunsaturated fats that are required by the body, along with the omega-3 essential fatty acids. It is very necessary to keep on shuffling the foods to get the amino acids in the desired amount.
  • Combination of low-fat dairy products, non-fat milk, and skim milk products are very useful.
  • Whole eggs (occasionally), skinless chicken, and lean meats can also be consumed.
  • Legumes, soy products, tofu, and protein-rich beans are always welcome.
  • Whey proteins are said to have shown positive results in reducing the systolic and diastolic blood pressures.
One must try to consume these foods in smalls serving and for 4 to 5 times a day as much as possible. Balanced diet means having quality protein snacks. Here are some protein snacks:
  • Whole-bread slices combined with turkey and tomato, lettuce, and mustard toppings.
  • Half cup of blueberries or strawberries combined with some cottage cheese.
  • Mixed green vegetables, pita chips, tuna, and low-fat dressing can make a great protein-rich salad.
  • A banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter.
  • Honey whole-wheat bagel, Swiss cheese, and cucumber slices.
These were a few suggestions that can be very useful as protein snacks in a diabetic-diet menu. It is very important to select protein foods for diabetics on proper consultation with a dietitian or health care provider. Following a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and a cheerful mood, can be a great combination for a healthy and happy lifestyle.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.