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Diet for Psoriatic Arthritis

Palmira S
Psoriatic arthritis is a painful condition that can strike anyone. It causes inflammation of the skin, and pain in the joints. Following a diet regimen is one way to cope with the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. To know more about the diet, read on. . .
One of the many different types of arthritis - psoriatic arthritis - is a disease in which a person suffers from psoriasis, a skin disease, as well as from arthritis. In many cases, psoriasis is observed in the initial stages which later, develops into psoriatic arthritis.
In a few cases arthritis develops before psoriasis; however, in some, both psoriasis, and arthritis occur together. Along with painful joints, other symptoms; like, inflammation and stiffness, similar to the condition of rheumatoid arthritis, to an extent, is also observed.
Psoriatic arthritis has affected almost 2 percent of the US population, of both genders with equal intensity. The best way to manage the symptoms of the disorder is by following a proper diet.

Healthy Diet: Recommendations

A well-balanced diet could serve as an ailment in treating psoriatic arthritis. Foods that constitute a healthy diet are as follows:
  • The most important mantra of the psoriatic arthritis diet is to choose a combination of foods, so that a variety is included, ensuring that you get the much-required nutrients, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and proteins. The diet must include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, grains, and meat. 
Small meals should be taken after short intervals; instead of having a full-fledged two/four course meal. Consuming cold water fish like tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc., that are rich in nutrients like omega-3 essential fatty acids, is beneficial for controlling inflammation.
  • We mentioned that your diet must be rich in fruits and vegetables; however, we need to consciously, make an effort to pick foods that are not just healthful, but colorful as well. This guarantees the intake of different nutrients.
  • It is a must to keep the energy levels high, so that you do not suffer from fatigue which frequents people who have psoriatic arthritis. For maintaining the energy levels, it is a must to eat regularly. But, while doing so, take care that you do not overeat. Prepare a proper schedule of your diet, and make it a point to follow it.
  • Make sure that you do not consume foods high in cholesterol, and fats.
  • Use of sugar and salt must be limited to mere necessity and not taste. It would be sapient of you to use sugar-free substitutes. The market is flooded with such substitutes that add the required flavors to the dish. 
  • Though, consumption of dietary supplements is useful, before you set forth with a diet regimen of your own, consider your medical practitioner in the loop. Ask him if there are any foods that would interfere with the medication; thereby, hindering the treatment process. 
  • Intake of red meat should be limited, as it is said to increase the pain. Avoid cookies, chips, crackers, and other processed foods.

Signs and Indicants

The symptoms of psoriatic arthritis vary from person to person. The most obvious symptom is pain in the joints. Also, the joints swell, and are warm to touch. Another symptom observed, is grayish or silvery spots which develop predominantly on the elbows, scalp, knees, and lower end of the backbone.
At times, rough rashes are also observed in these areas. Pitting of nails and fatigue is also noticed in some people. In some cases, the joints become stiff in the morning. Tendinitis, and conjunctivitis are also the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.


The best cure is to maintain a balanced weight. Apart from that, warm water therapy will help reduce the stiffness in joints. Ice-packs are also helpful in reducing swelling. A person suffering from psoriatic arthritis can indulge in swimming and other arthritis water exercises.
They may also opt for relaxation techniques. Not to forget; along with all this, a systematic arthritis pain management, in terms of medication, must be maintained. Healing foods like pineapple, alfalfa, oregano, etc. are recommended for arthritis treatment.
Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic disease, and may also be hereditary. However, when the recommended diet is combined with proper exercise, the pain associated with the condition can be alleviated to a large extent.