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Pus Pockets on Tonsils

Kanika Khara
Pus pockets on the tonsils are basically white stones on the tonsils, resulting due to inflammation of the tonsils. Read the given story to understand the causes, symptoms, and the treatment for this condition.
Having pus pockets on the tonsils is not a disease in itself, rather a symptom for a certain tonsil infection or inflammation. They appear like small white pus pockets or bumps on tonsils, which make swallowing and talking extremely uncomfortable or painful for a person having it.
Tonsils are basically oval-shaped lymph gland tissue placed on both sides of the back of the throat.
The tonsils as well as adenoids (a group of lymphatic tissue in the throat behind the uvula), together are considered to be the 'first line of defense' against various infections by trapping the bacteria and viruses entering the body through the mouth and sinuses.
Hence, tonsils trigger the body's immune system to fight bacterial or viral infections by producing antibiotics to fight them off.
The white pus pockets are basically an outcome of an infection, causing severe swelling and enlargement of the tonsils. The condition is generally termed as tonsillitis, which is an acute inflammation of tonsils, resulting in tonsils enlargement or swelling, along with repeated attacks of infection.


One of the major causes for pus pockets is inflammation of the tonsils due to an infection caused by the bacteria,streptococcus progenies. Besides, common cold, influenza, and even strep throat can result in inflammation and swelling in the tonsils.
Also, unhygienic living conditions and unhealthy eating habits, like over-consumption of refined foods including sugar, white flour and its products, fried foods, condiments, excessive tea and coffee, etc., can all lead to inflamed tonsils and pus pockets too.


Apart from the formation of white pus pockets on the tonsils, a person having tonsillitis may suffer symptoms, like fever, chills, bad breath, tiredness, weakness, muscle aches, earache, pain or discomfort when swallowing, and swollen glands in the neck. The tonsils appear to be inflamed, swollen, and red when the mouth is opened wide. The person may have extreme difficulty while swallowing food and even saliva, and may become very irritable and lethargic.


To relieve the patient from pain and swelling, some pain relieving medications or anti- inflammatory drugs, like Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be taken, but only under a doctor's recommendation. If the infection is caused by streptococcus bacteria, it can be treated with penicillin or other suitable antibiotics.
However, there are also many effective home remedies that can ease the patient from the discomfort while the illness runs its course. For instance, drinking extra fluids, gargling with warm salt water, chilled juice bars and cold drinks, etc., can provide temporary relief from the pain and discomfort.
Drinking raw vegetable juice or a glass of fresh lime juice with two teaspoons of honey and a little salt can also be helpful. Beside these, a warm paste of dried, boiled, softened, and mashed figs applied on the enlarged or inflamed tonsils can also provide a soothing effect. Likewise, drinking a glass of boiled milk with a pinch of turmeric and pepper powder before sleeping at night can provide great relief from tonsillitis.
Apart from these home remedies, one of the best way to treat this problem is to maintain proper hygiene and avoid coming in contact with people already infected. In case, the aforementioned remedies do not work, and with time there is no change in condition, do not wait and consult your doctor to elucidate the case.