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Queasy Stomach Causes

Leena Palande
Usually, unhealthy diet, wrong eating habits, and sedentary lifestyle lead to a queasy stomach after eating. Read on to know which other factors contribute to an upset stomach, and how simple home remedies help get rid of the queasy feeling that you get in the pit of the stomach.
Bloating, constant fullness in stomach, gases, abdominal pain, nausea, headache, indigestion, retching (repeated rhythmic involuntary contractions of respiratory and abdominal muscles), profuse sweating, heartburn, etc. are some of the common symptoms of upset stomach.
You may lose concentration, and feel restless if you are not able to get rid of nausea or pain within a short period of time. Stomach problems can lead to life-threatening conditions, but such cases are very rare. Stomach pain and nausea normally indicate digestive system dysfunction.

Common Causes

  • During pregnancy, most women experience morning sickness. Any particular smell can make you queasy, if you are pregnant.
  • Significant emotional distress can sometimes lead to queasiness.
  • Exposure to unpleasant sights or odors can cause nausea, and you may feel like vomiting.
  • Alcohol abuse is the main cause of upset stomach.
  • Nausea, headache, dizziness can be caused by vertigo.
  • Eating "heavy" snacks at night, or late night eating is one of the main reasons of indigestion.
  • Skipping breakfast and meals, and eating meals on the run leads to digestive system disorders.
  • Keeping awake till late hours can affect the health of the stomach.
  • Not chewing the food properly, and eating meals hastily can cause gases and stomach pain.
  • Lack of exercise is one of the main causes of stomach problems.
  • Excessive smoking can affect your digestive health.
  • Regular consumption of spicy or fried foods can affect the function of the digestive system.
  • Fasting, following fad diets, or staying on an empty stomach for long are some of the common causes of queasy feeling in the stomach.
  • Regular or excessive intake of heavy and fatty foods slows down the process of digestion, and leads to such problems.
  • Enjoying junk food and snacks instead of following a balanced diet is one of the common causes of pain and indigestion.
  • Many people do not follow a proper schedule for breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dinner. They are more likely to experience queasiness.
  • Motion sickness, experienced while traveling by a bus, boat, or plane, or during amusement ride can lead to dizziness which is not a serious illness.

Life-Threatening Conditions

  • Food poisoning and food allergies can result in uneasiness, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  • Cancer, peptic ulcer, hyper secretion of hydrochloric acid, abnormal motility of the muscles can lead to upset stomach.
  • Nervous system disorder, brain injury, brain tumors, migraine, bleeding in and around the brain, meningitis, stroke, etc., can lead to nausea, stomach upset, and headache.
  • Queasy stomach can also be experienced due to acid reflux (GERD), constipation, gallbladder and kidney problems, pancreatitis, hepatitis, blocked intestine or stomach, menstruation, etc.
  • Low blood sugar, glaucoma, and inner ear problems do lead to nausea and dizziness.


Symptoms like nausea and headache can be lowered only after knowing the underlying cause of queasiness. But for immediate relief,
  • You may lie down, and take rest.
  • Passing stools can help relieve the symptoms.
  • Chewing a mixture of ginger and lime, chewing peppermint, drinking a glass of water after adding a teaspoon of baking soda, drinking ginger ale, taking an antacid or herbal tea like chamomile tea may help relieve the symptoms.
  • Following a liquid diet, and consuming light foods can give relief from the symptoms.
  • Eating small light meals at regular intervals is the simplest remedy.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, fatty and spicy foods should be avoided.
Increased physical activity, regular exercise, balanced and nutritious diet, good eating and sleeping habits help eliminate most of the queasy stomach causes. Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking and alcohol can help you lead a healthy and active life.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.