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Random Dizzy Spells

Shalu Bhatti
Do you experience random dizzy spells all of a sudden, and are wondering why? This story will give you all the answers you always wanted to seek.
Many times, it so happens that we tend to get these dizzy spells out of the blue, without any logical reason whatsoever! For some people, it is easy to ignore; but there are some who tend to get these dizzy spells quite often, and therefore, it is impossible for them to neglect these. Random occurrence of dizzy spells could be an alarming sign of something that might need your immediate attention.
Dizzy spells are the ones that make you feel lightheaded all of a sudden, giving you a feeling that you might faint now, or lose your balance. Many times, dizzy spells occur in the form of vertigo, wherein your body is steady and yet you feel as if the world around you is spinning, as if you're sitting on a merry-go-round. The following section discusses as to what exactly happens when one gets a random dizzy spell.

What Happens During a Dizzy Spell?

Dizzy spells are of different types. Some people experience it with vertigo (a sensation of things spinning around you), while for some, it is just fatigue and lightheadedness wherein you feel that you are about to faint.
Different people experience different symptoms. Some of them are listed as under.
  • Headache
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Twinkling lights
  • Palpitations
  • Inability to keep your balance
  • Speech problems
  • Vertigo
The aforementioned symptoms may or may not occur in each and every case of dizzy spell. As a matter of fact, different symptoms accompanied by this condition can help diagnose the underlying cause as to why this is happening. Speaking of the causes, the next section discusses the possible causes for dizziness.

What Causes Random Dizzy Spells?

Random dizzy spells can be temporary and can vanish automatically after occurring once or twice, or, it can be repetitive in nature indicating some health issue brewing inside your body. You see, all the signs and symptoms that our body experiences, signify a logic behind them.
As far as dizziness is concerned, the causes could vary from something as normal as 'not eating properly', to something as serious as 'brain diseases and heart attacks'! Below are some of the well-known causes of dizzy spells that make you suffer from these attacks out of the blue.
Dehydration: Lack of sufficient liquid in the body causes dehydration, which in turn, causes dizzy spells. If a person is dehydrated due to vomiting, diarrhea, too much exertion, fever, sun exposure, or any other reason; dizzy spells may occur indicating the need of some liquid in the body.
A lot of people who workout and follow a diet experience these dizzy spells. If you think this could be the cause, make sure that you drink enough water (10-12 glasses) everyday.
Low Blood Pressure: Low blood pressure leads to lack of blood supply to the brain causing dizzy spells due to sudden and severe drop in the blood pressure in the brain and body. Take a note of your blood pressure if you tend to have these dizzy spells way too often these days.
Also, if you get dizzy spells while suddenly sitting down or standing up, then this may be because of drop in your blood pressure due to which the brain fails to receive enough blood, thereby causing the episode.
This symptom can also be considered as a warning of a stroke, as brain stroke also occurs when the brain fails to receive enough blood supply due to obstruction.
Pregnancy: We all know that a pregnant woman keeps getting dizzy spells. So, this may also be a sign that you are pregnant..., of course, there are other ways to be sure if that's the case! Dizzy spells during pregnancy can occur due to various reasons like constant vomiting, low blood pressures, lying on your back, stress, exertion, and so on. One needs to take special care when in such a condition.
Hypoglycemia: This is a condition where dizziness occurs when the sugar level in the body goes down, especially when suffering from diabetes. Hypoglycemia in case of diabetes, can prove to be fatal if not handled properly. Therefore, you must make sure that you are eating on time and eating right, in order to get rid of dizzy spells.
Insufficient Oxygen Supply to the Brain: When the brain fails to get sufficient oxygen supply, a person suffers from dizziness.
 The reason behind this could be improper functioning of lungs, chronic obstructive airways disease, hyperventilation; wherein the acidity levels in the blood changes making the oxygen stick to the hemoglobin and therefore making the total oxygen supply to the brain insufficient.
Apart from this, carbon monoxide poisoning can also be the reason behind dizzy spells due to lack of oxygen supply to the brain.
Ear Problems: Ear is one of the most important organs that not only helps us to hear, but also to balance our body. Ear infections like Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), Labyrinthitis, Meniere's Disease, Tinnitus, and Impacted Cerumen can lead to dizziness, vertigo, and lack of balance.
Loss of Blood: Loss of blood also makes a person feel dizzy all the time. Many a time, it so happens that an internal bleeding which remains undetected causes dizziness, and it is only after this that people come to know about the actual cause. This is the reason why women suffer from random dizziness during heavy menstrual cycle.
Other Causes: Did you know that too much of stress and anxiety can also cause dizziness? Anxiety and stress have been related to a lot of physical discomforts like headaches, chest pain, etc., and dizziness can be one of the consequences of taking a lot of stress!
Also, intake of unhealthy substances like tobacco, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and certain allergic reactions towards some medications can be the cause. Common health conditions like cold and fever, sinus infections, flu, anemia, aging, etc., are also known to induce dizziness and vertigo.
At times dizzy spells also come along with symptoms like chest pain, blurred vision, loss of speech, and so on. If this is the case then immediate medical attention needs to be given as it might be a warning sign of some serious heart related problem.
I hope this story helped you find the answer to your queries. If these random dizzy spells are occurring quite often, you must not take them lightly and seek immediate medical attention. Take care.