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Rash Between Fingers- Causes and Treatment

Smita Pandit
Do you often get a rash between fingers? Tap to find out the possible causes, symptoms and treatment of such skin rashes on hands.
While skin rashes can be easily spotted due to the change in the color, texture or the appearance of the affected skin, only a dermatologist can determine the underlying skin condition that may be responsible for the altered appearance of the skin. A rash is basically a sign of inflammation.
The development of a rash is basically skin's reaction to a harmful stimulus. Rashes could occur on any part of the body and can be caused due to a wide range of reasons. More often than not, eruption of skin rashes is attributed to contact with an irritant or an allergen.
Rashes could also appear due to exposure to pathogens. In this article, we will find out the circumstances under which one may develop a rash between fingers.


The epidermis or the outer layer of the skin can get inflamed due to various reasons. The skin is exposed to the environmental irritants most of the time which is why one is at a great risk of developing dermatitis. Given below are some of the common causes for the development of rashes between the fingers.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

The term 'dermatitis' refers to the inflammation of the skin, and thus, the term 'allergic contact dermatitis' refers to the inflammation of the skin that results from contact with a substance one is allergic to. The development of the skin rash occurs as an immune response.
When the skin comes into contact with the allergenic substance, the immune system gets activated and stimulates the production of mast cells. The mast cells stimulate the secretion of chemicals called histamines. It is the release of histamines that gives rise to development of allergic skin rashes.
The texture and color of the skin that comes into contact with the allergen gets affected. Since some people are allergic to metals such as gold, silver or nickel, they may develop rashes or blisters on fingers if they wear rings made from such metals. Touching plants such as poison ivy, can also cause an allergic reaction.

Irritant Contact Dermatitis

This is another form of dermatitis wherein contact with certain substances causes a skin reaction. Many people are allergic to chemicals that may be used in cosmetic products. Soaps or detergents are some of the most common irritants that may cause a rash on hands. Washing hands frequently with such soaps may aggravate the condition.
The skin may turn red and may also itch. The severity of the symptoms varies depending on the duration of time for which the skin has been in contact with the irritant. Those who work in industries wherein they are in contact with solvents, dye, latex or certain chemicals on a regular basis, are more likely to develop such rashes.

Pathogenic Infections

Rashes that appear between fingers could also be caused due to infections such as scabies or ringworm. Scabies is a skin condition that is caused by a species of mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. These microscopic mites digest the fluids as well as tissue as they burrow into the skin.
These mites dig into the skin folds that are warm and moist, which is why, itchy rashes may develop around the webs of skin between the fingers. A fungal infection called ringworm could even be responsible for causing a rash around the fingernails or fingers.
Rashes between the finger webs could also be attributed to a condition called 'erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica'. This infection is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. It is believed that frequent wetting of hands may make one susceptible to this condition. Those who wear rings at all times, may end up getting such rashes.
Moisture that is retained under the rings may soften the skin, and encourage the growth of such pathogens. Rashes could also be caused due to secondary bacterial infections. Bacteria can enter the skin through cuts or wounds, and this can lead to the development of a rash. One must therefore refrain from scratching over the affected skin.


First of all, you must make it a point to avoid using any cosmetic product that may be causing an allergic reaction. Chemicals that are used in soaps, shower gels, shampoos, creams, perfumes or other cosmetic products could be causing an allergic reaction, and the best way to prevent the recurrence of rashes is to avoid using such products.
Frequent wetting of hands during household activities can make one susceptible to such rashes, therefore, wear gloves to prevent wetting of hands. However, make sure that gloves are not made from any material that you may be allergic to. You could also consult a dermatologist, and use the medicated skin care products that the dermatologist prescribes.
If you see redness and experience itching on the skin that is right under a ring, it's possible that the moisture retained under the ring, may be encouraging the development of such rashes. So, refrain from wearing metallic jewelry and see if it makes a difference.
Avoidance of allergens or irritants can help in prevention of allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis, but if you ever develop a rash, topical application of medicated anti-itch lotions or steroid creams can certainly help in alleviating the symptoms. In case of a ringworm, antifungal creams would have to be applied.
Since dry skin can also make one susceptible to such conditions, one must keep the skin moisturized. So, consult the dermatologist about the emollients or skin care products that will not only keep your skin moisturized, but will also lower the risk of such skin infections in future.
Besides these aforementioned skin conditions, various skin problems such as eczema, pityriasis rosea, psoriasis and intertrigo, can cause skin rashes on various parts of the body. So, if you notice changes in the texture or the appearance of the skin along with symptoms such as itching, redness and swelling, consult a dermatologist immediately.