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Reasons for Late Menopause

Divya Bichu
Usually women experience menopause during the age band of 48-55 years. Menopause is considered late if it occurs in women older than 55 years. Why does it happen that way? What the reasons for late menopause? You will find answers to all these questions in this story.
Menopause is a stage in a woman's life when her menstrual periods cease permanently. There is nothing to worry about this phenomenon, as menopause is a natural occurrence to every women. It is neither an illness nor a disease, you have to be taking this transition of life in the right stride. It is the time to live carefree and embrace this phase, enjoying it and definitely not worrying about it. Menopause usually occurs in a woman between the ages 48-55 years.
There are also cases where menopause has occurred before or way after the normal average age suggested above. Now, there are several reasons for it, but there is nothing serious or anything wrong about the late occurrence of menopause. The main cause of menopause is the hormonal changes our body goes through, these changes differ from woman to woman and therefore, some woman experience menopause at the right age while some don't.
To begin with, periods are a hassle to most women, so many would love to turn it off once you are done with having babies, but late menopause is a good thing. It indicates that your ovaries are functioning properly and the hormonal secretion is just perfect. Moving ahead, late menopause can have negative and positive risks. But, one thing is sure, late menopause brings you a lot of positive aspects than negative.
Usually around the time of normal or early menopause, a woman's body goes through a series of hormonal changes and she is more exposed to the risk of heart diseases, breast cancer and so on. Late menopause lets a woman maintain higher levels of estrogen and progesterone (female hormones) that reduce the risk of being prone to breast cancer, cervical cancer and other heart diseases. Therefore, enjoy the natural process rather than worrying about the same.

What are the Reasons for Late Menopause?

There are two primary woman hormones that enable every woman to menstruate and get pregnant, namely estrogen and progesterone. Your body starts preparing itself for the menopause transition years in advance, by reducing the production of these female hormones (mentioned above) gradually. But in case of late menopause, the body acts pretty late and lets the body maintain high levels of these hormones, thus the occurrence of late menopause.
Obesity is considered one of the reasons for delayed menopause. Results of a recent research showed that most overweight women have the tendency to experience late menopause. This is because being overweight can hormonally shift your cycles and trigger the body to produce more hormones. Thus, allowing the woman to maintain higher levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones, resulting in late menopause.
Uterine fibroid are the most common harmless (non cancerous) tumors in females. The growths of these fibroid depend on the levels of estrogen and progesterone. Growth of uterine fibroid can be restricted due to the high levels of these hormones, hence our body keeps producing them to not encourage tumors growth. Hence, rise in high levels of these hormones induce late menopause.
Multiple pregnancies are also one of the delayed for late menopause. Genetics play an important role in the late occurrence of menopause. If your mother or grandmother had the same problem, it is likely that you too will go through the same process, although it is very rare.
If you suspect of suffering from late menopause in life, you have to make sure what is going on inside your body and that there are no complications. Nevertheless, occurrence of late menopause can be a blessing in disguise, as these women are considered to be typically healthier and less prone to other medical risks.