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Reasons for Metallic Taste in Mouth

Shalu Bhatti
Are you experiencing a weird metallic taste in your mouth these days and cannot figure the reason behind the same? There can be many underlying causes for the same. This story gives you some useful information on this subject.
You get up one morning and suddenly realize that your mouth tastes weird. You think to yourself, "maybe it's because of not brushing last night". You go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, gargle and everything, but you still feel the metallic taste in your mouth.
You think to yourself, "maybe it'll get better after eating breakfast". But that too, doesn't seem to change anything. You think it'll disappear on its own the same way as it appeared, but as days keep passing by, it starts getting even worse. In fact, now it has come to the point where it is even affecting your appetite!
What could be the reason behind this distasteful feeling? Is it because of a serious underlying health issue, or is it something temporary? What did you do to get it in your mouth? Have you eaten something wrong?
Are all these questions haunting your mind? If yes, then here is a brief answer to it. Yes, it could be because of an underlying health issue which could vary from being mild to severe in nature. Yes, it can be temporary, but the reason why it is grasping your attention is because it can have some permanent consequences if left unattended.
So, what exactly could be the reason in your case?

Common Reasons for Metallic Taste

One may develop this taste due to various reasons. These reasons may vary from consumption of certain medications, to some health issues and illnesses. Even neglecting your oral hygiene can be the cause. The taste may be a big turnoff and may lead to loss of appetite.
One may be so severely affected that even talking to a person may become an issue, due to the foul taste spreading all over the mouth. Let us have a look at the possible reasons for the same.

Medications and Drugs

Consumption of certain medications and drugs can induce a metal like taste in your mouth all the time. Have you noticed that after you started consuming a certain medication, the taste of your mouth has turned metallic, foul, or acidic?
If yes, then you need to check with your doctor if you can switch to some other medication that doesn't have such side effects. Mentioned below are some of the common medications that can corrupt your taste buds.
  • Antibiotics
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Antidepressants
  • Medications used for heart problems
  • Medications used for kidney stones
  • Diabetes related medications
  • Medications used to treat an STD known as trichomoniasis
  • Medications and treatment for chronic alcoholism
  • Medications for high blood pressure
  • Intestinal infection known as giardiasisis treated by a drug known as metronidazole
  • Drugs for low calcium levels
  • Medications for rheumatoid arthritis

Diseases and Illnesses

The amazing thing about our body is that whenever there is something wrong with it, it gives signals by showing various signs and symptoms. Our body gives us hints and clues all the time to convey that there is something that requires attention. So, what could your body signify by making your mouth taste metallic?
  • Cancer
  • Kidney problems
  • Kidney failure
  • Allergies from certain foods such as pine nuts
  • Leukemia
  • Too much of calcium in the blood
  • Lead poisoning
  • Too much of iron in the body known as hemochromatosis
  • Burning mouth syndrome
  • Bleeding and swollen gums
  • Selenium overdose
  • Mercury poisoning
  • Fluctuation in the levels of estrogen
  • Copper toxicity
  • Consumption of toxic seafood
  • Skin diseases such as Lichen Planus
  • Jaundice
  • Acid reflux diseases
  • Smoking
  • Peptic ulcer

Improper Oral and Dental Hygiene

If a person fails to maintain proper oral hygiene, then that too can result in this unpleasant taste in the mouth. Unhealthy oral hygiene can lead to various oral and dental problems.
These are mentioned as follows.
  • Tooth abscess
  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Bleeding and swollen gums
  • Infections in the tooth
  • Formation of plaque in the mouth

Home Remedies for Metallic Taste

If you are wondering how to get rid of metallic taste in mouth, then mentioned below are some simple and effective home remedies that can be of help.
  • Consume lots of citrus fruits and vegetables such as orange, lemon, tomato, grape fruit, etc. These help in the formation of more saliva, which in turn, helps in washing away the taste.
  • Gargle and rinse your mouth frequently with salt water. This also helps in getting rid of the weird taste.
  • Chew cardamoms or cloves in the middle of the day. These help in freshening your mouth's taste.
  • Drink lots of water and citrus juices such as lemonade, orange juice, etc., to avoid dryness.
  • It is also very important to maintain a healthy oral hygiene. Make sure that you also clean your tongue after brushing your teeth, both in the morning and evening. This helps in washing away the metallic base in the tongue to some extent.
The remedy and treatment may vary depending upon the cause. Therefore, it is important to identify the causes for the same and get yourself checked immediately, if at all it is related to a disease.
If you think it is related to a medication, then check with your doctor if there is an alternative. If you still can't figure out the possible cause, then it is advisable to get in touch with your doctor as soon as possible and get yourself checked.
Disclaimer: This story is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a replacement for expert medical advice.