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Red Blotches on Chest

Smita Pandit
Dermatitis, which refers to the inflammation of the skin, can affect any part of the body. Blotches could appear on the chest due to an allergic reaction or irritant contact dermatitis. This write-up provides some information on the contributing factors for such rashes.
The term 'blotches' refers to irregular patches or rashes that appear on the surface of the skin. A rash is characterized by the change in the color and the texture of the skin. These may or may not be accompanied by itching. More often than not, blotches on the chest occur due to contact dermatitis.
Contributing Factors
Red spots on the chest could be caused due to contact dermatitis. The inflammation might be caused due to an adverse reaction to something that is touching the chest. For instance, wearing clothes that have been washed by a particular detergent can irritate the skin.
The reaction might be due to chemicals present in the detergent or cosmetic products such as perfumes, shower gels, and perfumed soaps.
Certain metals can also trigger an allergic reaction. The skin can become inflamed due to contact with a metal necklace, especially jewelry made from nickel. In case of women, wearing a tight brassiere that is made from synthetic fabric can make it difficult for air to circulate and the sweat to evaporate.
People with overactive sweat glands are most likely to develop prickly heat or heat rash. Excessive sweating can cause temporary plugging of sweat glands, which can give rise to heat rash or small, itchy red bumps on the chest.
Hives is another skin condition that could be responsible for causing red blotches on skin. When we come into contact with any substance that the immune system recognizes as foreign, histamines are released by the body.
This causes the appearance of skin blotches on red raised welts on different parts of the skin. Hives could be triggered by exposure to pet dander, poison ivy, pollen, chemicals, and insect bites.
Since red spots or patches on chest could be caused due to various skin conditions, the treatment will vary depending on the underlying cause. It would be best to consult a dermatologist. Red skin blotches may sometimes be caused due to an allergy.
It is therefore important to identify the product you are allergic to. If your skin turns blotchy every time you wear clothes made from a specific fabric, make sure that you don't wear clothes made from that fabric.
If the red patches are caused due to hives, then the treatment will involve the use of antihistamines. Sometimes, corticosteroids might be prescribed as well. Medicated creams and lotions are generally recommended for treating such skin conditions.
You can also use certain home remedies for treating blotchy skin. Application of aloe vera gel might help in soothing the inflamed and irritated skin. While you have blotches or red spots on chest, refrain from taking hot showers.
Since dry skin can also cause various skin problems, make sure that you keep your skin moisturized. Keep your skin clean and dry. Apply a talcum powder on the chest, and wear loose clothes made from breathable fabrics.
On a concluding note, avoidance of the irritant or allergen is the best way to prevent skin blotches that occur due to contact dermatitis. Since rashes could also occur due to other skin conditions, it would be best to consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a dermatologist.