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Red Itchy Bumps All Over Body

Nicks J
Red itchy bumps all over body generally indicate that the person is suffering from chickenpox or measles. Read on to find out more information about itchy skin rash bumps.
The occurrence of red itchy bumps may sound a bit alarming but is usually common during childhood days. However, such a condition can make a person extremely uncomfortable as it causes constant itchiness everywhere on the body. Studies reveal that people with sensitive skin are predisposed to red itchy bumps.


Excessive exposure to the sun or stress is one of the main reasons behind an outbreak of large number of itchy bumps over the body. Other causes include:


This highly contagious disease that is common among children can cause the formation of red itchy bumps all over body. In this condition, there is occurrence of red, itchy rash that initially appears at the back and face and then spreads all over the body. This is a viral infection in which the red bumps eventually become blisters.
Chickenpox is usually accompanied by mild fever and headache. Children with a suppressed immune system are prone to this type of infection. Irritation on the skin is bound to occur due to presence of a red, itchy rash. The doctor may prescribe certain medications to ease the discomfort.
Larger the size of pimples, the more will be the severity of the infection. This infection spreads rapidly and within a day or two after contracting the virus, you will see yourself covered with pimples.


When the human respiratory system is exposed by a certain type of virus, the resultant infection causes measles. In this condition, the entire body gets covered with skin rash bumps. Measles generally does not occur in adults, and is common in children between 5 to 10 years.
The red itchy bumps are first visible on the face, which slowly start appearing on the back, chest, arms, and legs. Measles can be a source of great discomfort, as the viral infection also causes sore throat and persistent cough.

Insect Bites

People who are allergic to insect bites can also be affected with small, red, itchy bumps all over the body. Insects such as fleas are a big nuisance and when they bite, it can trigger a severe allergic reaction in the form of itchy bumps on skin. An allergic reaction to mosquito bites can also cause rash that may extend all over the body.
Although mosquitoes causing widespread itchy rash is a rarity, people sensitive to insect bites may also suffer from this adverse reaction. Even bed bug bites can produce such an inflammatory response, thereby causing generalized rash.


Overdose of any medication can also bring about an allergic reaction, especially in people with sensitive skin. An outbreak of little red itchy bumps all over the body, during the course of treatment, is the effect of medicine.
Certain drugs are the most common allergens that can negatively affect the skin. In such cases, discontinuing the medicine and looking for a safe alternative drug is the only option.

Viral Rashes

A viral rash such as shingles or herpes, can also contribute to the development of red itchy bumps. Shingles, is a skin rash and is caused by the virus 'varicella-zoster'. Although shingles that causes formation of fluid filled blisters, affect a part of the body, a person with impaired immune system, may show presence of red rash over the whole body.
Herpes is another type of skin rash, in which red, itchy bumps spread over the body.

Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita

In this condition the blisters appear at the site of injury. In epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA), the blistered formation is usually seen in areas that suffer from blunt trauma. So, besides skin discoloration, blisters may form at the trauma site. A rare form of EBA, known as generalized inflammatory EBA does not remain confined to injured areas.
Blisters extend beyond the trauma and may even spread all over the body. This type of EBA is typically marked by generalized redness and itchy sensation. It is an autoimmune disorder in which antibodies attack the collagen, a very important component of our skin.


Widespread rash extending from torso to arms and legs may also indicate hives. Also referred to as urticaria, the condition is very similar to a rash. A person affected with hives shows development of raised, extremely itchy structures on the top layer of the skin.
In majority of cases, these red, swollen patches are found scattered all over the body and the itchy sensation associated with it can be intolerable. The size of these raised marks may vary but more importantly they frequently change their size and location.
These elevated areas can be as small as 1-2 millimeters to as large as several inches in diameter. Sudden widespread occurrence of hives has been attributed to hypersensitivity to certain foods, cosmetics, and drugs.


Exposure to direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time can damage the skin. The UV rays can be harsh on the skin and cause sunburn when we roam in the hot sun for an extended duration of time. A sunburnt skin is typically marked by widespread redness, followed by development of small red bumps.
There are quite a few skin creams available at various drug stores that can help to reduce the itchiness. Diagnosing the condition that has led red, itchy bumps to appear over the whole body, is critical to free the skin from this itchy rash. With proper diagnosis, an appropriate treatment plan will be decided to overcome the underlying infection.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.