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Reduce Swelling in Hands

Swollen hands, more than just being unsightly, may be painful and discomforting. Here are some tips you can take to reduce swelling in your hands.
Rajib Singha
Swelling in hands or feet is not an illness as such, but a symptom of various other conditions. Pregnancy, obesity, allergies, sodium retention, poor nutrition, various medications, etc., are some of the common factors which cause swelling in hands or in feet. In most cases, swollen hands can be taken care of at home. However, if the same is long-lasting or recurring, then it warrants a medical checkup.

Tips to Reduce Swelling

Keep yourself well hydrated. You must drink two liters of water daily. Water helps in flushing out toxins in the body thus, helping in reducing the swelling.
Elevation is another helpful method to reduce swelling. Rest your hands on a pillow and keep them in a position higher than that of the heart.
Make use of compression gloves. They help improve circulation of fluids in hands and feet, and reduce swelling.
Gentle massage may also help in relieving the condition. However, for this a professional massager must be consulted.
Other ways to reduce swelling include applying ice compression on the affected area, and inculcating a balanced diet.
Refrain from consumption of salt, alcohol or caffeine.

Causes Behind Swollen Hands

More often than not, injury to the hand is a common cause of swelling. Injury may cause accumulation of fluid in the affected area and result in swelling.
Allergic reaction is another cause. When the body encounters allergic reaction, it releases histamines into the bloodstream. When the reaction is mild, swelling is common and it is usually accompanied by mild difficulty in breathing. In cases of a severe allergic reaction, the swelling may be accompanied by the affected person going into a shock.
People who suffer from obesity, are more prone to suffer from swelling in hands and in other parts of the body. Here, the lymphatic system works slower due to poor circulation of fluids. As a result, pockets of liquid known as edema are created in hands and feet, resulting in swelling.
Infection could also be a common cause of swelling. Cellulitis, for example, which is a severe bacterial infection causes the affected area to swell, redden, become tender and warm to touch. The infection can affect the lymph nodes and bloodstream if not taken care of immediately, and may become life-threatening.
Other causes may include:
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Lymphedema
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Acromegaly
  • Muscle sprains
  • Strains
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

Seeking medical care is equally important as following the measures cited above.
And when the cause is something as severe as cellulitis, then treatment should be considered as a medical emergency. The course of the treatment, in this case, mostly involves taking antibiotics for 14 days.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.