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Referred Shoulder Pain

Leena Palande

Not only a shoulder or an arm injury but pancreas problems or even stomach ulcers can cause a painful shoulder. This Story provides some information on the condition known as referred shoulder pain, and also discusses the ways to get relief from the same.
Pain in the shoulder when the actual injury or problem is somewhere away from it, is called referred shoulder pain. In this case, the severity of the ache does not depend upon the movement of the arm as it is associated with the symptoms of an injury elsewhere in the body.
There are several types of referred pain. One may probably be aware of a few, for instance, throat problems can refer ache to the ear, toothache can refer it to the ear or eyes, sinus problems can refer it to the eyes or gums, etc.


  • Cervical spondylosis is the most common cause of this condition. Degeneration of the bones and cartilage of the cervical vertebrae or the neck, or the cushions or cervical discs between the vertebrae is responsible for this constant condition.
In case of cervical spondylosis, 'spurs' or abnormal growths on the bones of the neck can be observed and as the degeneration worsens, one or more of the nerves in the area may get compressed. A pinched nerve in the neck can lead to a stabbing ache in the shoulder.
  • Diaphragmatic irritation such as a subphrenic abscess, abscess underneath the right or left hemidiaphragm can cause this ache. Abscesses are also noticed on the lesser sac beneath the liver and in the hepatorenal pouch.
  • Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome is a problem related to the upper genital tract infections in females, wherein the membrane lining the stomach (peritoneum) and tissues surrounding the liver become inflamed. This would result in this condition.
  • Women might experience shoulder blade pain after breast lumpectomy or mastectomy, and removal of lymph nodes from the armpit.
  • Pancreas problems like inflammation of pancreas, pleura or pericardium, stomach or intestine ulcers, pulmonary embolus, pneumonia, and aortic dissection can lead to this condition.
  • Gallbladder disease or gallstones can cause this condition.
  • Ectopic pregnancy can result in constant ache in the shoulder.
  • In case of liver cancer, abdominal pain can extend towards back and shoulder.
  • Bile duct inflammation, cholangitis or blocked bile duct can lead to this condition.
  • Endodermal sinus tumor and extragonadal germ cell tumor are also responsible for this condition.
  • Heart diseases like angina can also cause this ache. Furthermore, shoulder ache could be an early symptom of heart attack.
  • Apical lung tumor or respiratory problems can also lead to this condition.
  • Ache in the back or neck due to excessive physical or mental stress, an injury, or a muscle cramp can be the reasons of this condition.

Pain Relief Methods

  • Shoulder exercises performed under the guidance of the physician and physical trainer can offer great relief from this problem.
  • Further, one should consult the doctor for the underlying problem that has given rise to the ache. When the original problem is solved, the ache would also subside.
  • One should keep a watch on their body posture continuously. Straight posture of the back and pulled back shoulders will help relieve the ache fast.
  • Massage with sesame oil, olive oil, and mustard oil works great for this problem.
  • Providing sufficient rest to the shoulders is also necessary for fast recovery.
  • Healthy diet consisting of all nutrients will help one fight the problem.
  • Yoga exercises if performed consistently, can offer relief from most of the above mentioned problems.
  • If one can manage stress by learning some techniques like meditation, one would be able to keep most of the diseases away.
This problem can result in restricted movement of one's neck, hands, or whole body. Pain involves the nervous system, immune system, digestive system, respiratory system, etc. In order to avoid this condition or any kind of referred ache, one should have a strong immune system for prevention of diseases. A strong body can fight any kind of infection or disease. Moreover, a balanced diet, regular exercises, and stress-free mind are the keys to lead a happy and active life.
Disclaimer: This Story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.