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Rib Swelling Causes

Nicks J
A cracked rib swelling, certainly cannot be tolerated, as the radiating pain can completely disturb our daily routine.
Ribs is a term used to describe a set of bones that form a cage like structure around the chest and is a defense mechanism for organs such as lungs, against external forces.
Swollen ribs is a debilitating condition that makes it difficult to carry on with your daily routine. Activities that involve bending causes a lot of discomfort and triggers sharp shooting pain from the swollen ribs.


Broken Rib

A trauma such as an accident can lead to fractured rib and cause severe pain. Broken rib is often accompanied by pain while breathing deeply. In other words, breathing difficulty is the most common sign of broken rib.
Also referred to as fractured rib, broken rib can bring a considerable amount of pain, while sneezing or coughing. A broken rib is a common sports injury, especially in games like rugby and American soccer.

Chest Injury

A chest trauma such as a severe punch to the chest can damage the structure of the rib cage. This often causes swelling of rib cage. In some cases, a minor chest injury may cause bruising of ribs. In such a case, although the ribs are not broken, proper care has to be taken to avoid further complications.


This is a type of cancer in which there is abnormal growth of white cells. Swollen lymph nodes located in the chest and the neck is a sign of lymphoma.
Lymph nodes are bean-shaped tissues that are a part of the immune system and produce white blood cells to combat infections. Lymphoma symptoms, such as rib swelling, are often overlooked until they become life-threatening.

Lung Cancer

Persistent pain and swelling in the ribs, may also indicate the presence of lung cancer. As we all know, people smoking on a regular basis are susceptible to lung cancer. In this condition, the patient experiences throbbing chest pain along with coughing that worsens with time.

Multiple Myeloma

This condition originates from the plasma cells, found in the bone marrow. As we all know, bone marrow is a soft tissue placed within the cavities of the bones, wherein white and red blood cells are produced.
It is a type of cancer, in which there is indiscriminate increase in the number of plasma cells. This abnormal growth of plasma cells can negatively affect the bone health and manifest in the form of rib pain and swelling.
As always, treatment will be recommended depending upon the underlying cause. Whatever be the cause, taking adequate rest is the first line of treatment to alleviate symptoms of swollen ribs.
As far as injuries are concerned, the recovery time of broken ribs can range anywhere between 6-8 weeks, depending upon the severity of injury. A major fracture of ribs may even take months to heal.
To prevent further damage, the doctor may advice you to wear a rib cage. Also, avoiding activities that put pressure on the chest, is necessary to speed up healing. Use of painkillers such as paracetamol, codeine or paracetamol plus, can also help to reduce the pain.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.