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Right Flank Pain

Indrajit Deshmukh
If you are experiencing right flank pain, it may be a cause for worry, especially if you are a woman. There can be various underlying causes for the pain, and before you jump to any conclusions, it is important that you pay attention to the symptoms. ...
The area between the last rib and the hip is known as the flank, and the outer skin on this region is marginally tender. If the region is painful accompanied with other symptoms, like fever, or frequent urination, then it is to your advantage to see a physician, and undergo some prescribed tests, such as CT-scan, ultrasound, and an X-ray.
In most cases, if the pain is because of a serious medical condition, it will be accompanied by other symptoms. A urinary tract infection may also cause simmering sort of pain; however, at times, the pain can be throbbing, as well.


To devise a suitable treatment plan, the causes need to be determined with the help of the indicants, followed by the conduction of medical tests. A majority are known to try over-the-counter medication, when they experience pain, and though this might work for some, for others, a visit to the doctor is an absolute must. Undermentioned are the major causes that lead to a painful flank region.

☛ Polycystic Kidney Disease

Severe pain in the flank region may occur due to this condition in which noncarcinogenic cyst sacs pullulate in the kidney. It is here that we regard the complications associated with the disease.
High blood pressure and kidney failure are the two potentially pernicious effects of polycystic kidney disease. Besides pain in the flank region, frequent urination, high blood pressure, and recurrence of urinary tract infection are some of the primary signs of a polycystic kidney.

☛ Back Pain

Pain in the flank region may also be due to an activity that demands intense physical exertion, thereby resulting in a strained flank area. Those diagnosed with acute back pain troubles may experience a stretch between the back and the abdominal region. Besides, an individual diagnosed with a slipped disc is likely to complain of pain on the sides of the ribs. The pain may be experienced on one side; however, the sensation may radiate to the other end, as well.

☛ Gastrointestinal Issues

The gastrointestinal disorders may contribute to cause, or be the sole cause of leading to severe pain in the flank region. Peptic ulcers, food poisoning, gastroenteritis, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are some of the major culprits to affect the area.
Primarily, it is when your digestive system suffers a chronic disorientation that back pain, resulting in discomfort in the region, may occur. Nausea, feeling lightheaded, regurgitation, and acid reflux are the accompanying symptoms.

☛ Gynecological Problems

Right flank pain during pregnancy can be caused due to an ectopic pregnancy. This is one common reason for flank pain episodes in women, and it can be easily diagnosed with a pelvic ultrasound. Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue -- similar to the lining of the uterus -- is found in the pelvic cavity.The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic and flank pain. Ovarian cysts, sometimes are responsible for flank pain in women.

☛ Infections

Infections in the urinary tract may lead to flank pain; these urinary tract infections are mostly caused by germs. The germs cause the infection to travel from the intestine into the bladder through the urethra and cause a bladder infection. Though deemed treatable, a urinary tract infection may cause pain until it is completely cured. The infection, generally, is accompanied by nausea, fever, and a burning sensation while urinating.

☛ Radicular Pain

Radiculitis is a condition, where the thoracic nerve of the lumbar region suffers an injury. The flank region, thereby is directly affected. The pain experienced due to this injury is severe in nature. It is when the intercostal muscles -- i.e., muscles located between the ribs -- are affected that the pain elevates.

☛ Herpes Zoster

The Herpes Zoster virus can elicit a mild burning sensation, around the flank region. The pain in the lumbar region is experienced when the skin develop vesicles. They have a cyst-like appearance being marked as one prodromal symptom of the condition.

☛ Pyelonephritis

This is a urinary tract infection that affects the kidney. The condition causes kidney inflammation. Rise in body temperature, palpitations, pain tenderness in the lumbar region, burning sensation while urination, and feeling lightheaded are some of the symptoms that characterize Pyelonephritis.


People suffering from diabetes and arthritis may also experience pain in the right flank from time to time. An injury to the lower back section or a muscle pull may also lead to flank pain. The flank region is susceptible to intense pain when there is extrinsic movement. The pain elevates when the range of motion increases. The side where the pain is actively experienced indicates which, and how far the kidney has been affected.
The symptoms are:
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Irritation while urination
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Fever w/frequent episodes of vomiting
  • Blood traces in the urine

Treatment Options

  • Practitioners recommend ample rest for an accelerated recovery.
  • An exercise routine that is not very exerting should be the norm.
  • Hydrating the system is important. Drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday, however, is no mere proverbial in this regard.
  • Anti-inflammatory medication is prescribed to individuals with spinal arthritis with antibiotics playing their part in helping the urinary tract infection subside.
Disclaimer: The story published herein, is meant to accomplish pedagogical purposes only. The recommendations mentioned hereby may not be generically applicable. The information, by no means, intends to supplant the diagnosis and advice imparted by the medical practitioner.