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Ringworm - Important Precautions!

Nilesh Parekh
Fungal infection needs to be taken care of, as it can lead to serious problems such as malfunctioning of the brain causing situations such as paralysis. Although, ringworm is not dangerous for human beings, it is still better to take care of it.
Ringworm is a fungal infection that derives its name from the blotches or rings that happen to surface the patient's body, who has got infected with it. The area that is under the influence of this infection becomes red and a circular patch shows up on the skin with a clearly visible center.
The fungus that causes the blotch resides just below the patch. The size of the infected area can increase over time. The areas that are affected by ringworm are, scalp, body, skin, or nails. Initially, it appears to be just like a pimple or a rash on the skin, but later, it starts spreading and getting larger in size.
It is an infection, which is common place in infants and young children. Unlike other fungal infections, ringworm is a simple type of infection that can be cured very easily. Moreover, no special attention and care is needed for its cure.
The body develops some mechanism/immunity to fight against it just in few weeks, and throws it out of the system. It is very easy to treat this infection with the help of some simple medications as well. If the infected area gets bigger, and becomes itchy with rashes on it, you may need to visit your doctor.
Another reason why it is good to remove the ringworm from our body by using treatment is, because it is highly infectious and it spreads to other people, if they come in direct contact with the infected person. Even if someone uses the same towel or something that has been used by the infected person, there is a chance of that person contracting the infection.
Pets and open grounds are natural causes of this infection. If someone comes in direct contact with pets such as puppies, kittens etc., having such infectious condition, he may get infected. Sometimes, when children play barefooted on an open ground, there are greater chances of them getting infected.
Medications used in treating the condition, include, antifungal creams, pills, or liquid medicine, which eliminates the fungus from the body. You need to strictly follow the instructions of your doctor/physician during the treatment. Since it is a fungal infection, you should ensure that the fungus has been completely removed from your body, before you stop the treatment.
There are some precautions, which can help in preventing the infection of ringworm, such as, avoiding direct contact with other people, avoiding physical intimacy with those who are infected, preventing use of objects that are used by the infected person.
Wear slippers when going out on the playground, as soil is also one of the mediums (though rare) through which ringworm spreads, keep your surroundings clean and hygienic, avoid direct contact with pets, which are the most common causes of infection.
Also, the infected person should complete the treatment and follow the instructions of doctor until the treatment is complete.
Although ringworm is very easily removed from our body, sometimes the infection goes on spreading under the skin of the patient. It is very important to take care of it at the earliest, otherwise the patches that form on the skin will clear up making your skin look ugly.