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Ringworm Rash

Characterized by red outer edge and a pale center, the ringworm rash is the characteristic symptom of this fungal infection. This story provides information on this medical condition.
Smita Pandit
Ringworm, which is medically referred to as Tinea, is a fungal infection that can affect several parts of your body. It can affect your face, scalp, arms, fingers, nails, groin, and feet.
The symptoms of this fungal infection include the formation of small area of infected skin which starts spreading outwards and develops into a circular, flat rash on the skin. This inflamed patch on the skin is called a ringworm rash due to its ring-like appearance. The inflammation and redness is more pronounced on the outer edge than the center.


Tinea could affect several parts of the body. The body ringworm or Tinea corporis generally causes a rash on arms, chest, stomach, legs, or back. The outer edges of rashes are red and scaly and the center is pale. The symptoms of this fungal infection include itching, redness, inflammation and formation of small bumps.
The rash on the face generally does not have as much inflammation on the outer edges. At times, the rash caused by this fungal infection on the hands might even be confused with eczema. These rashes could be seen on the fingers in the form of moist, open sores.
Jock itch is one of the most common fungal infections that affects the groin. The rashes that appear on the skin folds in the groin or inner thigh region are accompanied by severe itching and redness.


This fungal infection is contagious. It can spread, if one comes into contact with an infected person. It could spread by both direct and indirect contact. Generally, the fungi responsible for causing the rash can be found in warm and moist regions, which is why individuals who sweat profusely are susceptible.
If you live in a farm or have pets, you need to take precautions. This is a contagious disease and it can spread through contact with infected animals. You might catch this infection while grooming your pet. The infection might also get transmitted if you touch the objects used by an infected person.
Sharing things like towels, razors, bedding, clothes, combs, and sports gear can also cause rashes. People who often get affected by skin disorders don't have a healthy epidermis (outer layer of the skin), which is why there's a greater likelihood of them developing this infection when exposed to fungi.


A dermatologist must be consulted, if one develops ring-like rashes on the skin. Though the identification of this rash is not that difficult, doctors generally conduct a microscopic examination or a culture test of the skin scrapings in order to confirm if the rash is caused by this fungal infection or not.
As far as the treatment is concerned, doctors generally recommend topical application of antifungal creams. Generally, topical antifungal creams such as miconazole, ketoconazole, or clotrimazole might be prescribed. However, antifungal tablets might be recommended, if the infection doesn't get cleared with the topical application of medicated creams.
If the infection is not treated soon, the skin might crack, putting the affected individual at a risk of developing secondary bacterial infections. If that happens, one might also have to take antibiotics to treat these secondary infections.
Preventive measures must be followed to avoid such outbreaks in future. If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms on your pet, avoid direct contact and consult a veterinarian soon. Maintain proper hygiene and avoid direct contact with infected people.
Avoid sharing towels, combs, and clothes of an infected person. Since this fungus grows in warm and moist regions, keeping your skin clean and dry will also help.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.