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Risks and Dangers of Plastic Surgery

Buzzle Staff
Although there is a vast improvement in technology, courtesy of the latest innovations, the risk and dangers of plastic surgery cannot be ignored. So before you plan to go for a plastic surgery, get yourself empowered with the knowledge of risks and dangers involved.
The number of people inclined to cosmetic surgery is on the rise. Even when, everyone is aware of risks and dangers of plastic surgery, more and more people are raring to opt for this treatment.
In modern scenario, due to regular inventions and innovations in science and technology, the field of cosmetic surgery has become safer. Attitude towards getting operated is becoming more open, as there is a discussion regarding all its effects and risks and people are better informed about it.
Today the dangers of cosmetic surgery have lessened, because of advances in technique and instruments that ensure patient safety and satisfaction.
Studies carried out to check the inclination of people show that if money had no role to play, then more than 75% moms of modern world would like to endure plastic surgery to get their prime days of youthfulness. The more the awareness regarding this procedure builds in society, more the number of people getting ready for it.
It can be immensely dangerous to get exposed to the ill effects of plastic surgery but a thorough knowledge about dangers and risks involved, relaxes the patient, who is prepared for the consequences that may arise and thus greatly reducing any harm.
There is a adage saying no gain without pain. As rightly said, people of this modern world are prepared to take few risks in order to reap the benefits offered by plastic surgery.
The vital and most important aspect of getting operated by cosmetic surgery is finding a surgeon with expert qualification and renowned reputation for success. Despite the breakthrough provided by latest innovations in technology.
A skilled cosmetic surgeon, well versed with latest innovations plays a main pivotal role in the success of the treatment. A surgeon without skillfulness and expertise in identifying and preventing the surgery risks involved can jeopardize the safety and final cosmetic outcome.
Although, major risks and dangers are alleviated, still there are a lot of things that could go wrong. The risks of plastic surgery varies from person to person and the type of procedure opted for.
Again, the aspects and history related to the patient's health carry immense importance. For example, patients suffering from certain diseases like diabetes or heavy smokers are prone to the dangers of plastic surgery in the aftermath.
Although, the risks or complications are very rare nowadays, one has to seriously look after all probable risks involved before going ahead with plastic surgery. Some of the most common general risks and dangers have been mentioned here.


Bleeding is pretty regular phenomenon for few hours following surgery and can sometimes results into complications. Blood clotting and its accumulation under the skin can result in a condition called hematoma, which will be firm in appearance and feel and the color of overlaying skin may change to blue or purple.
The area experiences a characteristic pain but it gets reduced gradually, once our body's' own anticlotting mechanism starts addressing the specific area and reabsorbs the accumulated blood.
However, if the condition remains status quo and hematoma continues to grow, it will compress the surrounding tissues and disrupt the flow of oxygen through blood, from circulating around that area. This may lead to numbness, swelling, inflammation and skin death.
An immediate attention or perhaps a surgery is required to take out the coagulated blood. Moreover, presence of large hematoma can increase the risks of other problems like infection, wound separation, and necrosis.


During surgery and within next few hours, you become more susceptible to secondary line of infections as open wounds offer better access to bacterial and viral pathogens via sutures or drain sites.
That is the main reason why the supplement of antibiotics is provided during and following the cosmetic surgery. Typical signs of infection are fever, inflammation in a local area, foul odor, and discharge of thick yellow or white fluid.


There are also Seromas which are quite similar to Hematomas. In this case, there is accumulation of tissue fluid, instead of blood. They usually occur in operations involving tissue removal. They are identified by enlargement, increased weight and sloshing of fluids. The treatment involves compression or drainage.


Scarring is one of the most common risk, which one should be aware of. It is closely related to suture reactions and wound healing capability. During the process of healing, a thickening of skin edge and formation of granular tissue can occur.
Most surgeons like to hide the scarring in places where they are not noticeable. For example in tummy tuck operations it is beneath the swing wear line while in breast augmentation the incision lines are hidden under the crease of breast.


Necrosis is death of tissues, due to insufficient supply of oxygen to the operated area. The risk is very rare in normal cosmetic surgeries, but in plastic surgeries involving facelifts, breast reductions, tummy tucks, there is a possibility of Necrosis.
It increases with sudden inflammation. Smokers are very prone to this possibility as blood vessel constriction and relatively less oxygen supply. It is generally treated in early stages by hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Nerve Damage

In very rare, extreme cases nerve damage can occur, characterized by numbness and tingling sensation. Generally the nerve damage can last for not more than a year. Weakness or paralysis of certain muscles may be experienced if a nerve related to muscle movement is impaired. It can be treated with reconstructive surgery.

Adverse Reactions to Anesthesia

Risks due to use of anesthesia are very rare but nevertheless its still a possibility. The risks depend on the factors like healthiness and seriousness of surgery. Nausea is a common feature. Sore throat is also commonly experienced risk. The total risk factor of this type is generally very rare.
The question one must ask is whether it is worth getting under the scalpel. Familiarize yourself with the risks involved and get your surgeon to explain the procedure in detail, before going ahead.