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Rumbling Stomach Noises

Ratnashri Dutta
Imagine, how embarrassing it would be when your guests suddenly get to hear rumbling stomach noises coming from you. Why does it happen you might ask and what to do, so that we don't face such embarrassing situations? Well, just read on to find more about these noises.
The scientific name of this rumbling noise in stomach is "borborygmus". When the gas and air are moving through your intestinal tract, the is made. This is experienced by most people mainly after a meal. The noise is also accompanied by abdominal bloating and distension, burping, and passing of flatus. So, now let's see why it happens.


  • The noises are a normal part of the digestion process in the human body. The digestive system in our body secretes a hormone that controls hunger and appetite. The system releases these when a person hasn't eaten for a while. This triggers the hypothalamus in the brain, which sends a message of hunger to the stomach and the intestines.
Once your stomach receives the hunger message, the muscles contract and release acids and other digestive fluids. While releasing these acids, there is a rumbling sound. This is a sign that the digestive system is preparing itself to digest the food.
  • There might also be rumbling after eating. This is an indication that the food has just been detected by our digestive system. The stomach has still not received any hunger message from the brain, as the person is not hungry yet.
  • Sometimes, the noises in your stomach can also be heard when there is incomplete digestion of food.
This leads to formation of excess gas in your intestine. Usually, it's due to incomplete digestion of foods containing carbohydrates such as milk and other dairy products, foods rich in gluten or proteins such as wheat, barley, etc.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome is also a reason. It is accompanied by bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, rumbling stomach and diarrhea.
  • Ulcers and hyperacidity problems also leads to stomach growling noises. The acid causes your stomach to produce gas which triggers the noises in the stomach.
  • The very thought, sight, or smell of food leads to it.


Of course, nobody wants to be in a situation where people around can hear the noises. That would be embarrassing. So, what can you do to avoid being in such a situation?
  • The first thing that you should do is change your eating habits. If you are eating too quickly or if you talk while eating, then you swallow air along with your food. This swallowed air forms gas which contributes to the stomach noises.
  • Don't keep your stomach empty. Munch some crackers if you have still not eaten your meal. This will quieten down the stomach for a while.
  • Ginger ale prevents your stomach from making the noise. It encourages you to expel the excessive gas formed in your stomach which causes the noises, to expel either through blenching or passing it out the other way. You will not have to hear the stomach gurgling sounds.
  • If you are suffering from problems like acidity or hyper-acidity, then acid inhibitor is the answer for your rumbling stomach.
Thus, now you know why you have the rumbling noises every time you are hungry or even after a meal. There is nothing to be worried about. Just follow the above remedies, and you will not face such embarrassing situations anymore.