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Ruptured Spleen Symptoms

Madhura Pandit
Ruptured spleen is an emergency medical condition. Knowing about its identifying symptoms can help in diagnosing and treating the condition.
The spleen is an oval-shaped organ in the upper left abdomen. It is a part of the immune system and carries out numerous functions in the body. It is a delicate organ and needs to be protected from trauma. An injury or blow can rupture it.


As mentioned above, spleen can rupture due to trauma or any kind of injury to the abdomen. Accident, domestic violence, like blow on the abdomen, or diseases like the mononucleosis, blood cancer, etc., cause the spleen to rupture. On the other hand, infection in the spleen also enlarges it, making it vulnerable to rupture. There is a higher risk of complications arising due to ruptured spleen in case of older people.


As the spleen ruptures, the blood present in it flows out in the abdominal cavity. Symptoms depend on the size of the rupture and the amount of blood loss. If large amount of blood flows out, the person may observe the symptoms immediately.
Abdominal pain is the first and the most prominent symptoms. It also varies from person to person. Some people complain of having severe pain while some experience minor pain. The following are the other signs and symptoms.
  • Tachycardia (rapid heart rate)
  • Left shoulder pain
  • Tender abdomen
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
Apart from these, there are other symptoms that result from excess bleeding. These symptoms may not be seen in everyone. They include:
  • Lightheadedness
  • Confusion
  • Blurred vision
  • Fainting
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness


The first thing one should remember is that ruptured spleen is a serious medical condition, and hence, should be treated immediately. If not diagnosed and treated reasonably early, it can result in shock and consequently, death. Hospitalization and surgery (splenectomy) is required for treating this condition. In earlier times, if a spleen was ruptured, the doctor would remove it altogether from the body. However today, only if the rupture is larger in size and beyond repair, is the spleen completely removed from the body. In other cases, the doctor tries different surgical techniques to save the spleen.
Complete physical examinations and blood pressure check are the only tests that help in the diagnosis. When the doctor feels the abdominal area, he may find it hard and swollen, which will help in determining a rupture in the spleen. A CT scan of the abdomen may also prove very helpful, but in most of the cases, it is found that there is hardly any time for having a CT scan as an immediate surgery is needed.
At the initial stage, blood transfusion is the first step in the treatment procedure. If there is a severe blood loss, the patient may show other symptoms and hence, it is very essential to restore the adequate amount of blood in the body. If the rupture is smaller in size, it can heal after a few weeks of hospitalization.
A person can survive even when his spleen is removed from the body. Although the immune system of the person weakens and makes him more susceptible to infectious diseases, he can well live a normal life if proper care is taken. On a concluding note, it can only be said that symptoms of a ruptured spleen should be identified quickly in order to avoid the grave results of this life-threatening condition.
Disclaimer: This story is meant only to provide information. It is not to be substituted for doctor's advice.