Most of the time, we hear about scabies in cats and dogs. But many of us do not know much about scabies in humans. This story will give you information about the same, along with its symptoms and treatment.
Palmira S
Scabies, a parasitic skin infection, is a highly transmittable skin disease. This infection is mainly caused by a mite called sarcoptes scabiei. The mites which cause scabies are small eight legged insects and cannot be seen with naked eyes. It is a highly infectious disease and is different from scabies in dogs and cats.
People with weak immune system are highly prone to this disease. If the treatment is delayed, then it might lead to bacterial infections and impetigo which is a highly contagious skin disease. The main characteristics of impetigo are crusting and pus filled blisters which are referred to as pustules.
Symptoms of Scabies in Humans
The symptoms start appearing after four to six weeks after the scabies' mites have made their way to human host. During this span of time, the person affected with scabies can spread this disease to other people also. The main and a common symptom is intense itching. This itching increases to a large extent during the nighttime.
On an average there exists 10 scabies' mites on the human host. But, the number of mites may vary from 5 to 15. You can also observe some skin disorders like marks and red bumps on the skin. Most of the time, these bumps are S-shaped, which is caused due to the burrowing of skin caused by the mites. This is a typical scabies rash.
These mites can be present anywhere on the body. But, it is mainly found between the fingers, on the waist, armpits, on the inside part of the wrists, on the inner elbows, knees and shoulders.
Causes of Scabies
Scabies spread mainly because of prolonged skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. The spread does not take place just by a quick handshake or a hug but through prolonged physical contact like holding hands, or sexual intimacy, or sharing the same bed.
If a non infected person shares his clothes with the infected person, then there are heavy chances of the non infected person getting scabies. The spread of scabies is rapid in crowded areas where skin-to-skin contact often takes place.
Medical Assistance for Scabies
For treating scabies successfully, the killing of the mites is a must. There are several anti-scabies lotion available in the market which can be used for treating scabies. Lindane, sulfur, etc. are a few of these lotions.
Before you opt for any of these lotions, consulting a medical practitioner is a must. Also, refer to the instructions mentioned on the packing or the leaflet which comes along with the lotion. Before you apply the lotion, the body should be cleaned and washed well and then only the lotion should be applied.
After eight hours, you can wash off this solution. You can again apply this lotion after a period of 7 to 10 days. If a person is suffering from diseases like HIV or other severe diseases, then it is better if he opts for oral medication. There are no specific home remedies for scabies in humans.
But washing the clothes and bedding of the infected person in hot water and drying it in a hot dryer might help in avoiding the spread of scabies. It might also avoid its reinfection.
If proper care and treatment is taken you can cure scabies in a few days. If you are suffering from scabies, then it is better to avoid public contact which can prevent the further spread of scabies.