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Scalp Fungus Symptoms

Bidisha Mukherjee
Scalp fungus symptoms are not just discomforting but often cause a lot of embarrassment. Read this story to know about the most commonly observed symptoms of scalp fungus.
When there is an abnormal growth of fungus on the scalp skin, then it leads to a scalp infection. Dandruff and ringworm are the two common forms of fungal infections of the scalp skin.
Dandruff is caused by a yeast like fungus named Malassezia globosa, while ringworm of the scalp, also known as tinea capitis, is a more serious type of infection triggered by a type of fungus called dermatophytes.
Scalp fungi are highly contagious in nature and can easily spread from one person to the other through direct or indirect contact. It can spread due to sharing of common items like hats, combs or towels with an infected person.

Symptoms of Scalp Fungus

The key sign of infection by Malassezia fungus is dandruff that appears as loose, white scales of dead skin in the hair, which when fall off on the shoulders look like small white dots. In some people, the dandruff has somewhat sticky consistency, which appears as yellowish flakes that tend to cling to the scalp surface and emit foul smell. The dandruff affected scalp causes a lot of irritation and you feel a constant itching sensation.
The symptoms of ringworm infection of scalp are quite different. The typical characteristic of this fungal infection is that it affects only a small spot first and later on, the infection spreads to the entire scalp. Therefore, its symptoms are confined to one area initially but with passage of time, they can be noticed in other parts of the scalp as well.
The signs and symptoms that are observed in this condition are as follows:
  • One or more number of round patches on various parts of scalp surface are noticed. These patches have a raised red colored border. The size of these patches tend to increase with time.
  • Hair on the infected spot turns brittle or fragile and falls off easily. As a result, a bald patch is formed.
  • On a closer look at the bald patch, tiny dots can be seen, which are nothing but the broken edges of the hair shaft.
  • The infected area and its surroundings are tender to touch.
  • Excessive scalp irritation is observed.
  • Small pus-filled blisters can be found in some parts of the scalp.
  • In some cases of scalp fungal infection, one can get low-grade fever and enlarged lymph nodes in neck.

How to Get Relief from Scalp Fungus Symptoms?

The conventional treatment for dandruff is use of antidandruff shampoos. These shampoos contain antifungal components, which when topically applied on the scalp helps to get rid of the infection and its symptoms. Initially, your doctor will ask you to apply the shampoo daily for fast relief. 
As the symptoms subside, it can be applied on alternate days or just twice a week. Sometimes, the dandruff shampoos are accompanied by intake of oral antifungal medicines that can fight off the infection internally.
Treating ringworm infection is more difficult. It requires stronger doses of medicines. Griseofulvin and terbinafine are two of the most popular medicines that are being used for the treatment of tinea capitis or ringworm. These medicines control the growth of the fungus and reduce the intensity of its symptoms.
Your doctor may also recommend the use of medicated shampoo with selenium sulfide as a component for elimination of the fungal spores. Usually, the treatment for ringworm infection lasts for 4-6 weeks. You may have to continue with the medicines even after the symptoms subside.
The duration and dosage of the medicine should be ascertained by the doctor only and you have to follow the instructions accordingly. Prolonged use of these medicines can cause adverse side effects.
Once you have gotten rid of the symptoms, you definitely do not want their recurrence. It can be prevented with the help of good scalp hygiene. The scalp should be kept clean with regular shampooing. The wet hair should be dried properly after every bath. Sharing of items like combs, hair brushes and towels should be strictly avoided. Pillow covers and bed linens that come in contact with scalp skin should be washed thoroughly on a regular basis to destroy any fungus lying on these surfaces.