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Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief

Debopriya Bose
Sciatica refers to pain in the lower back that runs down along the back of one's leg. This pain is accompanied with a tingling and/or numbness and weakness of the lower limbs. Relief can be attained by both surgical as well as non-surgical methods.
The sciatic nerve, which is also known as the ischiatic nerve, is the longest and widest single nerve of the body. It branches off at the base of the spine and runs down from each side of the pelvis, supplying impulses to the buttocks, legs, and feet.
Compression or injury to the sciatic nerve due to fracture of the pelvis, trauma to the buttocks or thighs, or due to improper sitting postures can lead to sciatic nerve pain, also known as sciatica. Early symptoms include back pain that slowly spreads down the back to one's leg.
One also feels a tingling sensation in the lower limb, which is accompanied with numbness and weakness of the legs. In most of the cases, medicines and exercises to release sciatic nerve pain can heal the condition in 6 to 12 weeks. However, in severe cases, one may have to undergo surgery.


Sciatica is caused due to the inflammation, compression, or damage to the sciatic nerve, or nerve roots at the base of the spine. Sciatica is not a disease, it is a condition that is triggered due a number of reasons. If the spaces in the spinal column in the lower back get narrowed, the sciatic nerve or the nerve roots get compressed.
In cases when an individual suffers from osteoarthritis of the spine, bits of cartilage between the vertebrae may chip off and float around inside the spinal joints. If the bits of cartilage irritate the sciatic nerve, then one may suffer from sciatica.
Sometime slipping of one vertebrae over the other in the lower back may put excess pressure on the sciatic nerve. Muscle strain or contraction of the piriformis muscle in the buttocks may also irritate the nerve and cause pain. The most common cause of the pain is when a herniated disc in the lower back puts pressure on the sciatic nerve or the nerve root.

Treatment Options

Treatment can involve non-surgical methods, alternative treatment, and surgery as a last resort.

Non Surgical Treatment

Heat/Ice Pack
In the initial phases, acute pain can be alleviated by resorting to heat and/or ice compresses. Heat or ice should be applied for about 20 minutes and repeated every two hours. Some find relief with ice, whereas there are others that prefer heat treatment. The two may also be used alternately for relief.
Medicines and Injections
Non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen and naproxen, or oral steroids can provide relief in certain cases. Epidural steroid injections are effective in alleviating acute pain.
These injections are different from the oral steroid medicines in the fact that they administer the steroid directly to the injured area and thus help individuals to get relief from pain faster.

Alternative Treatment

Acupuncture has been approved by the US FDA as an effective treatment for back pain. In this treatment, hair thin needles are inserted into the area of pain that brings relief from the discomfort. Acupuncture works on the principle of harmonizing the flow of energy through specific paths in the body.
Massage Therapy
Certain forms of massages bring relief from sciatic pain by improving blood circulation, relaxing muscles, and releasing endorphins that are body's natural pain relievers.
Physiotherapy and Exercise
Though it may seem counter intuitive, mild physical exercise helps more than just bed rest. Exercises that may be suggested aim at strengthening the muscles of the lower back and the abdomen.
They often include gentle stretching exercises that helps one to recover from a flare up of sciatica and prevent future episodes of such pain. Exercise is very effective in bringing sciatic nerve pain relief in pregnancy.


If the pain is severe and does not heal within 6 to 12 weeks, one's physician may suggest surgery. The surgery can be microdiscectomy, microdecompression of the spine, lumbar laminectomy, or open decompression for sciatica. The surgeries aim at removing the portion of the disc or the bone that impinges on the nerve root.
They relieve pressure on the nerve and allow space for the nerve to heal. The type of surgery depends upon the cause. Microdiscectomy is typically performed in case an individual is suffering due to a lumbar herniated disc, whereas lumbar laminectomy relieves pain due to spinal stenosis.
There are a number of ways of ensuring relief from sciatic pain. Regular exercise is helpful in not only improving the overall metabolism, but also in helping one to strengthen body muscles. This lessens the probability of one suffering from sciatic nerve problems as well.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.