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What are the Causes of Photophobia (Sensitivity to Light)?

Kalpana Kumari
Achromatopsia, buphthalmos, cataract, conjunctiva, uveitis and retinal detachment are some of medical conditions which result in the eyes becoming sensitive light. This story tells you more about these diseases, and how they affect the eyes.
Sensitive eyes are characterized by high sensitivity to all forms of light, which ranges from sunlight to fluorescent light, and is described by the term 'photophobia'. The general symptoms are dislike or avoidance of light. There are several factors that can increase the sensitivity of your eyes to light, and in the following paragraphs we tell more about the most common of these.



Achromatopsia is a genetic disorder which occurs due to lack of cone vision, a type of vision produced by the cone photoreceptors in the retina. Under normal conditions, there are about 5-6 million cone photoreceptors, located largely in the center of the retina. Patients of achromatopsia have to depend on their rod photoreceptors.
They suffer from a severe congenital deficiency of color perception, which is often associated with nystagmus and reduced visual acuity. It causes sensitivity to sunlight. Achromatopsia is also known by the terms achromatic vision and monochromatism.


Buphthalmos is described as an autosomal recessive trait. It involves an abnormal narrow angle between the cornea and iris. It blocks the outflow of aqueous humor, which, in turn, causes an increase in the intraocular pressure and enlargement of the eyeball.
Since it is present right from infancy, it is also called infant glaucoma. Patients of this condition show excessive tearing, increased intraocular pressure, distortion of the optic disc and extremely sensitive eyes to wind and light.


Cataract is defined as the clouding which develops in the crystalline lens or in its envelope in the eyes. The cloudiness may vary in degree from slight to complete opacity. It obstructs the passage of light through the eyes. The result is more or less like smearing of grease over the lens of a camera.
There are several reasons behind the occurrence of cataracts. Some of them are cortisone medication, diabetes, trauma, and aging. The common symptoms of cataracts include blurred vision, and unusual sensitivity to light and glare.


The conjunctiva is a thin clear moist membrane which coats the inner surface of the eyelids and the outer surface of the eye. Inflammation of the conjunctiva is medically termed as conjunctivitis. It is symptomized by several conditions. Some of them are redness, itchiness, and a gritty feeling in one or both the eyes.
All these symptoms are usually accompanied by discharge from the eyes which forms a crust during the night. Conjunctivitis occurs mostly due to allergies or infection caused by viruses and bacteria. Thus, conjunctivitis can be a possible reason behind sensitive eyes.

Retinal Detachment

This is a disorder of the eye, marked by peeling away of the retina from its underlying layer of support tissue. It starts from a spot and goes on detaching. If the condition is not brought under control, it may lead to complete detachment, and result in vision loss and blindness. Therefore, retinal detachment is a medical emergency.
Fortunately, retinal detachment often shows clear signs and symptoms. There is almost a sudden appearance of numerous floaters. These are small bits of debris in the field of vision which look like spots, or strands of hair.
They seem to float before the eyes. Patients experience sudden flashes of light in one or both the eyes, and suffer from blurred vision and increased sensitivity to light.


There are three concentric layers which make up an eye. The middle layer, which remains sandwiched between the retina and sclera, is called uvea. The condition of inflamed uvea is called uveitis.
The exact reason behind the development of uveitis is still unknown. It may be caused by infection, injury, and autoimmune disorders. Uveitis is mainly characterized by redness and pain in the eyes, with blurred vision and sensitive eyes.
This condition can be cured by treating the exact underlying cause. Once the factor responsible is addressed, the problem of increased sensitivity naturally disappears. While your eyes are sensitive to light, you should take a few measures which can prevent the aggravation of the condition.
Avoid going out in bright sunlight and other harsh lighting sources. If you have to, consider wearing wide-brimmed hats and eyewear with ultraviolet protection.