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Severe Nasal Congestion

Niharika Arya
A blocked nose is a very common problem but severe nasal congestion can lead to life-threatening consequences. Check out the story for a detailed information about nasal congestion causes and remedies.
Anything related to nasal congestion is usually thought of as common cold. But this is not true. Common cold can be a cause of nasal congestion but there are many other causes for it.
Nasal congestion is the swelling or inflammation of the membrane lining in the nose or it may result because of the excess secretion of mucus. It is also known as stuffy nose, nasal blockage, nasal obstruction, etc. It can be considered as upper respiratory infection.
This congestion can lead you to irritation, discomfort, sleeplessness and a few other complications. By this you can imagine how important it is to get information about its causes, symptoms and remedies.

Chronic Nasal Obstruction Causes

The most common cause of nasal congestion is common cold and allergies. This congestion may last for a very small period and can be controlled. But severe congestion can be triggered due to many reasons and its consequences can be life-threatening. Following are some of the causes of chronic nasal congestion.
  • Allergies: Depending on the immunity of one's body, people become allergic to some particular things which can cause nasal congestion. Allergies triggered due to dust, pollens, perfumes, etc., can block the nasal passage. It can also be caused due to some medicines or drugs. Example of allergic reaction that causes severe congestion is hay fever.
  • Swelling in the Blood Vessels: Excess flow of blood towards the head can result in swelling of blood vessels. These swollen blood vessels can restrict the flow of mucus and lead to nasal congestion. Extreme cases can result in chronic nasal congestion and breathlessness.
  • Deviation of Nasal Septum: This is a common physical disorder in which the nasal septum is deviated towards one side. This results in smaller size of one nostril which further causes nasal congestion in that nostril.
  • Sinus Infection: Sinus infection causes inflammation in the sinus which results in chronic nasal congestion. This infection is caused due to the allergic reaction of dust, pollen, pollution, bird feathers or animal dander.
  • Pregnancy: Due to increased blood flow, many women experience severe nasal congestion in pregnancy. It is commonly found in pregnant women and remains only till the child is delivered.

Chronic Nasal Congestion Symptoms

It is easy to identify nasal congestion by observing symptoms like pressure and pain above the eyebrows and upper side of the teeth, headache, etc. Sleeplessness like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused by obstruction in the airway and can be considered as one of the symptoms.
Discharge of yellow and sometimes green colored mucus and dry cough can also be one of the signs of this respiratory problem.

Remedial Measures to Clear a Stuffy Nose

Nasal congestion has many solutions which can help you to get rid of it without going to the doctor. Following are some of the severe nasal congestion remedies. Have a look.
  • In nasal congestion, steam can help you. Use steam inhaler (adding few drops of tea tree oil) to clear congestion. Apart from this, you can pour lukewarm water in the nostrils which will clear stuffy dry nose.
  • You can have herbal tea to get relief from nasal congestion. Broth based soup can also help you in clearing the congestion of the nasal passage.
  • Eucalyptus is also very helpful. One can either use it in tea or can use its oil in hot water to take its vapors.
  • Saline nasal spray and nasal syringe are very useful in getting rid of congestion.
  • Nasal congestion during pregnancy can be cured by taking warm bath. You can also take steam with two drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • White vinegar is an excellent remedy to treat a blocked nose caused due to chest cold and sinus infection. Adding white vinegar to hot water and inhaling the steam is known to relieve this condition in a couple of minutes.
  • Zinc and vitamin C supplements can be taken to drain the nasal passage and clear congestion. The dose will be determined by the doctor based on the patient's complaint.
  • Another effective remedy to clear stuffiness is to apply clarified butter to the nostrils. Take a teaspoon of clarified butter and apply it on both nostrils evenly many times during the day.
  • Maintain right posture while sleeping. Try to sleep in a bit elevated position by using pillows.
In case of prolonged problem or any extreme discomfort, consult the doctor immediately as it can result in some undesirable consequences. So, get yourself treated and take a deep breath from your nasal congestion problems. Stay healthy!