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Shooting Pain in Head

Madhura Pandit
Shooting or sharp pain in head is usually a symptom of serious conditions like migraine, meningitis, etc. Knowing about the potential causes and treatment methods will be helpful to you.
Headache disables a person of any activity and also gives him sleepless nights. It can be of different types; it can be sharp shooting pain on one side of the head, throbbing pain on top of the head, or intense pain in the forehead. Any injury or disorder related to the brain results in severe headache.



Migraine is a set of severe painful headaches that occur periodically. Its exact cause is unknown. It is commonly found in women than men. The headache caused due to a migraine is experienced on one side of the head and is very severe. Other symptoms like sensitivity to light, sound, dizziness, blurred vision, vomiting and nausea are also experienced.

Brain Injury

Trauma can be caused due to any severe blow, fall or direct hit on the head. Sometimes, closed brain injury with no visible marks can also occur due to concussions. Loss of consciousness is the first response of head injury. Mild to severe headache, seizures, dizziness and confusion are the other symptoms of head injury.

Brain Tumor

Growth of abnormal cells (malignant or benign) in the brain is known as brain tumor. Growth of malignant cells results in brain cancer. The exact cause of brain tumor is unknown; it can simply develop in any person, at any age. Symptoms of brain tumor depend on its size and exact location. The pain also varies accordingly. Brain tumor can also cause changes in behavior, perception, changes in memory, loss of senses, confusion and seizures.


Encephalitis is the inflammation of the brain caused due to viral or bacterial infection. Unfortunately, there are nearly hundreds of parasites that can cause encephalitis. Herpes Simplex virus, Enteroviruses and other bacteria and viruses can enter the human body through insect bites, food or drink, or skin contact. Apart from headache, seizures, confusion, convulsions, nausea, vomiting and fever are the other symptoms.


Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges of the brain caused due to bacterial or viral infection. Meningitis can occur at any age, but, is commonly observed in children. Throbbing pain in head, nausea, fever, stiff neck, vomiting and sensitivity to light are the common symptoms of meningitis. Enteroviruses, meningococcal and pneumococcal bacteria are the prominent groups of bacteria causing meningitis.


It is recommended to consult the doctor if you experience headache that occurs frequently for unexplained reasons. There are several treatment methods that can be used for treating headache. However, getting the underlying cause diagnosed properly should be the first priority. Pain relievers and other medication are used for migraine relief. One should also stay away from migraine triggers like stress, tensions, certain foods, odors, etc. Maintaining a food diary can help in identifying migraine triggers.
Brain injury treatment is completely based on the type, location, size and cause of the injury. Brain tumors are treated by surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Sometimes, either of these methods are used, or in other times, combination therapy is required. Encephalitis and meningitis, if caused by bacterial infections, can be treated with the help of antibiotics. On the other hand, viral infectious diseases are treated with other medications, drugs and treatment methods.
If looking for home remedies or self-help tips, note that lying down, taking rest, using cold compress are some of the effective measures that can be adopted. However, it is recommended to consult the doctor and get the condition diagnosed before opting for home remedies or over-the-counter medicines.
Disclaimer: This story is intended only to provide information. It is wise to consult the doctor for proper advice and treatment, in case you experience any of these symptoms.